Base +3, TheOldDeus +2, Satoshi。。。 +10, Red of EHCOVE +52, aguywholikesporn +5, nodire +6, ki1ler7 +18, Abweichung +6, TheMittyable +9, Ryo75 +12, LegoArielFanMaster +8, FabulousCupcake +18, DEADXX -8, and 46 more...
Posted on 11 April 2016, 07:45 by:
ns23 Score
Base +6, SCSS -17, TheOldDeus -2, Razeil100 +6, ki1ler7 -18, Byakurani +5, Ryo75 -12, c0ff33br34k +6, akp47 -7, Ech0S -6, darkx -19, tohya -10, rotar zairo -8, and 4 more...
Posted on 11 April 2016, 15:01 by:
Rewyn Score
Base +6, bigbrown411 +10, forneus_zero -12, Bobangock -6, meterion +6, Hyoros +7, Ryo75 -13, TheOldDeus -5, ixlone -15, Kenwood20032 +6, lilgiudis -6, chaos1111 +6, Pootis Spencer -6, and 5 more...
Posted on 11 April 2016, 16:16 by:
gotokini Score
Base +7, Red of EHCOVE -40, DonkeyFajita -8, GarmentGrid -4, IncognitoMaud -5, c0ff33br34k -6, FabulousCupcake -18, tohya +10, darkx +19, mapokl +8, AIDSFART2011 +11, crazymagic +12, ichirohiroku +9, and 70 more...
Base +8, tohya -10, Soyungundam -6, ALTEREDCOURSE +6, Terithius +10, 20boners -7, Darksword696 -8, Ghelna +10, TheOldDeus +3, forneus_zero -12, scrump80 +6, shiftyness13 -6, Hotbagels +2, and 11 more...
Last edited on 29 April 2016, 23:45.
Base +6, TMD123 -6, rotar zairo +8, Red of EHCOVE -40, Byakurani -5, ekkelis +6, Orkel -6, eSiennaSkye +7, nabusco -7, TheMittyable -9, Ryo75 -12, c0ff33br34k -6, DEADXX +8, and 58 more...
Base +6, darkx +19, tohya +10, waltergeist +8, LegoArielFanMaster +8, rotar zairo +8, LoliSakuya +7, akp47 +7, Darksword696 +8, TheOldDeus +3, Shiru473 +5, draconian196 -10, forneus_zero +12, and 33 more...
Base +6, brandivolgio +7, kwajalien +7, eSiennaSkye +7, Ryo75 +12, smithy257 +6, darkx +19, tohya +10, waltergeist +8, aiwotorimodose +26, ElementFD +23, Darksword696 +8, leungmanchiu +9, and 48 more...
Posted on 14 April 2016, 03:12 by:
fagman69 Score
Base +1, GelOKS +7, crims0n +6, tcvds +6, TheOldDeus +3, IMNC +6, Bulopu -12, SpankMePls +4, EllincedeT +5, DrunkenWeeb +7, Ryo75 +13, andre7 +11, jfragrettel +7, and 3 more...
Posted on 14 April 2016, 21:08 by:
Jay Low Score
Base +16, tohya -10, Ryo75 -12, waltergeist -8, Terithius +10, rotar zairo -8, ElementFD -23, crazymagic -12, Darksword696 -8, TheOldDeus -3, harpadarpod +8, DrunkenWeeb -6, Colonia -6, and 6 more...
Base +15, Ryo75 +12, waltergeist +8, TheOldDeus +3, patokite91 +7, draconian196 -10, Colonia +6, shiftyness13 +6, PersonaFan08 +16, Anonymous777 +7, ixlone +15, jfragrettel +7, DrunkenWeeb -9, and 2 more...
Base +8, bonzaimonkey +9, Anonymous777 +7, Rolled +5, DrunkenWeeb +7, Ryo75 +13, jfragrettel +7
Posted on 04 May 2016, 08:38 by:
Caixos Score
Base +6, 32bit -10, Ryo75 +12, ninjadragon +12, shiftyness13 +6, Soyungundam +6, bonzaimonkey +9, PersonaFan08 +16, Bulopu +12, crazymagic +12, DrunkenWeeb +6, GhostStalker +8, garfff +6, and 15 more...
Base +3, bonzaimonkey +9, DrunkenWeeb +7, Sera404 +13, Ryo75 +13, ixlone +15, jfragrettel +7, Kuro Yuuki +6, Gilgameshz +7, Angular -6
Posted on 08 July 2016, 11:22 by:
Bugalugs Score
Base +6, Bulopu +12, AfromusPrime +6, Ryo75 +13, jfragrettel +7, DrunkenWeeb -9, Gilgameshz -7
Posted on 19 November 2016, 13:12 by:
Xiggy4U Score
Base +7, nodire +6, LegoArielFanMaster +8, Bobangock +6, Anonymous777 +7, Rolled +5, kwajalien +10, SCSS +17, naarcissus +7, Hodr +10, DrunkenWeeb +7, garfff +6, Sera404 +13, and 25 more...
Posted on 01 December 2016, 03:24 by:
asxr Score
Base +19, Anonymous777 +7, ninjadragon +12, Pootis Spencer +6, AzureHorizon -9, DrunkenWeeb +7, Zr44d +10, Bobangock +6, Sera404 +13, Heavenlyr +8, IMNC +6, Ryo75 +13, ixlone +15, and 13 more...
Base +10, SCSS +17, DrunkenWeeb +7, Sera404 +13, Hyoros -7, NekoHime27 -30, Ryo75 +13, ixlone +15, jfragrettel +7, GhostStalker +8, Ceramica +8, Gilgameshz +7, Angular -6, and 1 more...
Base +17, AzureHorizon -9, SCSS +17, DrunkenWeeb +7, Bobangock +6, garfff +6, Sera404 +13, MSZ-008 +6, Ryo75 +13, spr33 +10, ixlone +15, jfragrettel +7, Maabu +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 01 December 2016, 07:45 by:
Mant Score
Base +14, AzureHorizon +9, SCSS -17, jwagne51 +6, Bobangock -6, Alurker +6, Miriah +7, NekoHime27 +32, MSZ-008 -6, Ryo75 -13, shoofooney +7, ixlone -15, jfragrettel +7, and 4 more...
Base +14, Drake68655 -6, MSZ-008 -6, Ryo75 -13, Pootis Spencer -6, ixlone -15, DPotato +6, Ceramica -8, Hyoros +7, Kuro Yuuki -6, Darksword696 -12, DrunkenWeeb -13, absolugom -7, and 1 more...
Posted on 01 December 2016, 23:56 by:
front row Score
Base +7, NekoHime27 -30, Drake68655 +6, MSZ-008 +6, DrunkenWeeb +7, Pootis Spencer +6, jfragrettel +7, Ryo75 +13, SomeLazyDouche +7, ixlone +16, Kuro Yuuki +6, Gilgameshz +7, Angular -6
Base +6, DrunkenWeeb +7, Ryo75 +13, Ceramica +8, Draw99Gray +14, Hyoros -7, Kuro Yuuki +6, Gilgameshz +7, Angular -6
Base +1, QuintessenceQ +8