Base +7, Age1 -6, Kingarthur2 -2, Mageta -9, fighterzer98 -7, Kinkiepie -3, jkk123 +8, KazeZeroL -6, absolugom +7
Base +6, Age1 +6, darthducacus +6, Kingarthur2 -2, rekon2 +6, jfragrettel +7, Mageta -9, fighterzer98 +7, Joabos +6, yoshi245 -7, revenent666 -7, das3122 +8, jenna69 +7, and 4 more...
Posted on 08 January 2016, 01:01 by:
Rubbery Score
Base +6, Kingarthur2 +3, smarty358 +6, fighterzer98 +7, Denys-kun +6, jfragrettel +7, Darkhole +7, CyberFalco +8, Punisher_Born +5, KazeZeroL -6, Mageta -9, absolugom +7
Posted on 30 April 2016, 16:57 by:
dman69 Score
Base +6, Hanmac -4, fighterzer98 +7, yoshi245 +7, Kingarthur2 +4, Gentleman Chimera +4, revenent666 +7, FFXFan13 -7, Giangiotto +7, R_T_A_N -6, Jaku618 +4, Punisher_Born +5, Kinkiepie +3, and 13 more...
Base +3, fighterzer98 -7, Hanmac +5, Kingarthur2 -4, Gentleman Chimera -4, revenent666 -7, DreamerZero -6, Giangiotto -7, Kinkiepie -3, MrSeyker -6, PersonaFan08 -16, gongon12 -6, Starman DX 9000 -6, and 1 more...
Posted on 02 May 2016, 11:03 by:
Shezari Score
Base +5, fighterzer98 +7, Kamo1 -5, yoshi245 +7, Kingarthur2 -4, Gentleman Chimera +4, revenent666 +7, Kinkiepie +3, MrSeyker +6, nokama +7, jkk123 -8, Punisher_Born +5, YarnHorns~ +5, and 2 more...
Posted on 20 June 2016, 21:39 by:
Medra Score
Base +6, Kinkiepie +3, Kingarthur2 -4, gongon12 +6, nokama +7, Punisher_Born +5, Orronen +6, Mageta +9, absolugom +7
Posted on 21 June 2016, 01:22 by:
AkiraFTW Score
Base +6, Kingarthur2 -4, MrSeyker -6, gongon12 -6, Kinkiepie -3, ratto123 -6, Gentleman Chimera -5, nokama -7, Hilarity -6, Geosage -10, KazeZeroL -6, Mageta -9, absolugom +7
Base +1, das3122 +8, Kingarthur2 -4, Gentleman Chimera -5, jkk123 +8, KazeZeroL -6, Mageta -9, absolugom +7
Base +7, Kingarthur2 +4, Gentleman Chimera +5, nokama +7, jkk123 -8, Kinkiepie +3, Mageta +9, absolugom -7
Base +4, Kingarthur2 +4, Gentleman Chimera -5, Punisher_Born -5, Kinkiepie -4, KazeZeroL -6, Mageta -9, absolugom +7
Posted on 11 November 2016, 13:36 by:
sunyu0707 Score
Base +3, Mageta -9, absolugom +7
Base +3, toshibi +7, Kinkiepie -4, KazeZeroL -6, Mageta -9, absolugom +7
Posted on 10 December 2016, 13:13 by:
Tilly Score
Base +7, Xkirox +5, Kinkiepie +4, Mageta +9, absolugom -7