Posted on 14 December 2016, 21:20 by: rambo voller
Uploader Comment
Here are Most of the animations found in game and old animations used during the beta. Didn´t include all the boss events and 4 star events because imo they are kinda lame. full game save here:!RBkSECwT!0WVxTCh2X3sL0C1DWcZxIyKvBhND8LkCgkgWH5SNw_s
link to game:
Posted on 15 December 2016, 21:39 by: rambo voller
Score +6
You need to copy paste the sol archive in the folder where the save game is located. you can access through the address bar located in any folder. it may look like: (btw replace , for back slash and leave no spaces) C: , Users , YOURUSERNAME , AppData , Roaming , MacromediaFlash Player , #SharedObjects (hit enter and it should take you to a folder named after RANDOM NUMBERS open it the there should be a new folder where IT COULD SAY OR #localWithNet or localhost or the name of the folder where you have the game saved. then just replace the sol archive.
or if you're using browser as flash opener. (IM using chrome btw) C:*Users*your name*AppData*Local*Google*Chrome*User Data*Default*Pepper Data*Shockwave Flash*WritableRoot*#SharedObjects*97V98DPU*#localWithNet
Key: replace / with the slash going the other way.
Umm, are y'all forgetting that you can just open %AppData%/ to reach the /AppData/ folder? So it'd resemble:
to reach
I use /Blue64/ as the User example, but yea, you can skip the entire /"YourUserHere"/ skit with %AppData%/ which is a Windows shortcut, Linux/Mac use different paths too if I'm not mistaken, been a while since I looked at File Creation Code (for MineCraft Mods lol) but yeah, pretty sure it's different based upon the OS.