Posted on 19 January 2017, 05:10 by:
HentaiZ Base +2, Elbowsmash +6, sadpandarocket +5, DerxwnaKapsyla -6, Mister Zomb +6, djhot +6, mortechris +6, Shyolite +6, Fandarel +9, DeBergerac -5, Ksintai -6, iggy1297 -7, ichirohiroku +9, and 16 more...
Base +6, DerxwnaKapsyla -6, Mister Zomb +6, djhot +6, DeBergerac -5, Ksintai -6, iggy1297 -7, Mylias -6, MdGarp -13, Xinlo +7, Holothurion -6, yuki665 -7, madarame2 +7, and 8 more...
Posted on 19 January 2017, 06:41 by:
Hinoron Score
Base +8, DerxwnaKapsyla +6, Mister Zomb -6, Status_Effect -6, Rawrgna -6, Isan Agi +6, djhot -6, mortechris +6, bwanacumlately +7, Chaisy +15, iggy1297 +7, Mylias +6, rawrdood +7, and 32 more...
Base +2, Mister Zomb +6, DerTraurigePanda +8, djhot +6, Fandarel +9, Teramol +8, iggy1297 -7, crazymagic +12, Holothurion -6, yuki665 -7, Gleeok779 -8, Jimbe -6, Steak Puncher -6, and 4 more...
Posted on 19 January 2017, 11:25 by:
Kakkoii Score
Base +7, iggy1297 +7, Mylias +6, Wolfragnium +5, nighthero7 +11, ichirohiroku -9, crazymagic -12, hesk -6, Holothurion +6, madarame2 -7, HentaiZ +9, Gleeok779 +8, dirtyhairry +16, and 12 more...
Posted on 19 January 2017, 17:31 by:
75ub454 Score
Base +5, iggy1297 -7, Mylias -6, demonfou -10, hesk +6, Holothurion -6, hentaicabbit -20, Dorifto30 -6, Steak Puncher -6, Gogetters +8, Drakuun__ -2, Black pelican -6, freeko -7, and 1 more...
Base +6, Xinlo +7, hesk -6, demonfou +10, Holothurion +6, Drax +9, bigduo +6, dirtyhairry +16, ohanabax +5, Dorifto30 +6, Steak Puncher +6, Magrior +6, Satiro kun +7, and 5 more...
Posted on 25 January 2017, 03:44 by:
furclubb Score
Base +6, hentaicabbit +20, Dorifto30 +6, Suktar +6, Steak Puncher -6, aroptua +6, Pierzak +6, Gogetters +8, pg87 -6, Raykable -6, Keirnoth +6, ArgyleCola +11, icontributenothing +13, and 1 more...
Posted on 10 February 2017, 06:22 by:
velorian Score
Base +6, Raykable +6, freeko +7
Posted on 25 February 2017, 08:00 by:
henry0q Score
Base +2, pg87 +6, freeko +7