I've been a bit busy this month, with the New Year and stuff... I brought a new drawing tablet ^^, Redrawing will be easier, as well as drawing (maybe I could draw my own doujins? hehe) I made a new blog for non-h doujins, 'Tippy Translations'. But, it'll be for dramatic non-h works, not ecchi ones like this one.
Well, this is one of Petenshi's comedic non-h doujins Sorry it's non-h, it does have some ecchi moments though, including swimsuits and a big tentacle scene
I was trying to decide which doujin to translate this month, so I have a lot of half-translated ones... whoopsies ┐(‘~`;)┌
I promise I'll post translations of Petenshi's new Vocaloid doujins soon...
My translation blog (☞゚∀゚)☞ https://daddyscummies.blogspot.com/