Posted on 26 January 2017, 22:18 by:
Kastev Score
Base +12, sneikkimies +14, Rudiger111 +6, southrim +26, gansta +24, glvdtr +14, abrickhouse +3, Quote Marks +8, Lostalgia +6, inser_name_here92 +6, iceman77 +6, BlueSmoke +5, ob123 +9, and 49 more...
Base +3, glvdtr +14, sneikkimies +14, Juggernaut Santa -22, coleccionista903 +6, Pink Chaos -6, Lynuseru -6, amuass +7, animeto -13, Capi duffman -15, Palaxius -30, DDest +6, UltimateCP -7, and 10 more...
Base +7, TakashiTM +6, ckretaznman +8, DDest +6, Lostalgia +6, Jinwa +9, sneikkimies +14, JoyPanda +8, DarkMulletFist +7, Lucine +7, Kiranta +6, oneiwonder +7, Novanity +5, and 12 more...
Posted on 26 January 2017, 23:13 by:
AhKai Score
Base +6, TakashiTM +6, Pink Chaos +6, ckretaznman +8, DDest +6, UltimateCP +7, Lostalgia +6, kenabrxg +13, Nonamewalker +6, sneikkimies +14, iceman77 +6, ob123 +9, SilenceComes +6, and 86 more...
Base +7, DDest +6, Lostalgia +6, sneikkimies +14, ob123 -9, Kiranta -6, oneiwonder +7, finnick8 +7, scrappy135 +7, aukxn +19, pokey1 -6, Slothscrape -6
Base +7, rthrfrd +5, DDest +6, UltimateCP +7, Lostalgia +6, kenabrxg +13, SSomeone +3, sneikkimies +14, iceman77 +6, finalf7 +6, ob123 +9, SilenceComes +6, Hageln +5, and 71 more...
Posted on 26 January 2017, 23:51 by:
ssj782 Score
Base +6, sneikkimies +14, TransDrLoli +6, Kiranta +6, oneiwonder +7, finnick8 +7, Taggerung179 +7, takeiteasy93 +6, gloriousstalin +6, pokey1 +6, Nashiki18 +6, cm4000 +6, Slothscrape +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 26 January 2017, 23:58 by:
nabusco Score
Base +7, sneikkimies +14, Viktorious +6, TransDrLoli +6, krim1 +6, oneiwonder +7, Novanity +5, Dydelhaert +8, finnick8 +7, Taggerung179 +7, Gadona295 +6, takeiteasy93 +6, gloriousstalin +6, and 10 more...
Base +12, Nonamewalker +6, SSomeone +3, sneikkimies +14, Chinro +6, ob123 +9, SilenceComes +6, DarkMulletFist +7, venfare +8, TransDrLoli +6, oneiwonder +7, Iroald +6, Novanity +5, and 18 more...
Posted on 27 January 2017, 00:37 by:
Arutima Score
Base +7, exia45 +6, TransDrLoli +6, Vanguard3125 +6, oneiwonder +7, finnick8 +7, Zelinko +8, pokey1 +6, Sora Blue -6, piotrek +6
Posted on 27 January 2017, 00:59 by:
Medde Score
Base +6, sneikkimies +14, TransDrLoli +6, oneiwonder +7, Goorms +6, finnick8 +7, Taggerung179 +7, takeiteasy93 +6, gloriousstalin +6, Yunikon +1, as102 +9, Zelinko +8, pokey1 +6, and 2 more...
Base +6, hujkl -12, luccafm1 +6, gugga -6, ouou163 +6
Posted on 27 January 2017, 01:50 by:
IMNC Score
Base +6, sneikkimies +14, Nagru +8, ob123 -9, venfare +8, oneiwonder +7, HodorHodor +8, Novanity +5, finnick8 +7, riku_93 +6, Nicosai +6, gloriousstalin +6, 10tanksonawall +8, and 12 more...
Posted on 27 January 2017, 02:18 by:
haseo0408 Score
Base +6, sneikkimies +14, DarkMulletFist +7, TransDrLoli +6, oneiwonder +7, Novanity +5, finnick8 +7
Posted on 27 January 2017, 04:16 by:
Base +5, MaulanaMuhammad +6, sneikkimies +14, oneiwonder +7, HodorHodor +8, Dydelhaert +8, finnick8 +7, smerfic +5, NotAWeirdo +4
Posted on 27 January 2017, 04:22 by:
Noreally Score
Base +17, iceman77 +6, sneikkimies +14, ob123 +9, DarkMulletFist +7, Murderbot +10, venfare +8, Kiranta +6, oneiwonder +7, Iroald +6, Dydelhaert +8, finnick8 +7, DanRade +7, and 21 more...
Base +9, sneikkimies +14, ob123 -9, DarkMulletFist +7, Lucine +7, venfare +8, Kiranta -6, oneiwonder +7, Iroald +6, Dydelhaert +8, finnick8 +7, DanRade +7, riku_93 +6, and 18 more...
Posted on 27 January 2017, 06:27 by:
mauzel Score
Base +7, Kiranta +6, oneiwonder +7, finnick8 +7, riku_93 +6, sneikkimies +15, Quanto +7, cm4000 +6
Base +7, sneikkimies +14, TransDrLoli +6, oneiwonder +7, Iroald +6, Goorms +6, finnick8 +7, riku_93 +6, smerfic +4, cm4000 +6, tubo +6
Base +6, sneikkimies +14, TransDrLoli +6, oneiwonder +7, Iroald +6, HodorHodor +8, Goorms +6, finnick8 +7, DanRade +7, riku_93 +6, takeiteasy93 +6, as102 +9, gert3613 +6, and 3 more...
Base +6, TransDrLoli +6, sneikkimies +14, Supervizor +5, Pliny the Younger +6, oneiwonder +7, Goorms +6, finnick8 +7, riku_93 +6, cm4000 +6, xaelath +5, piotrek +6, vesper7 +6
Base +6, MHSLiberty +5, sneikkimies +14, oneiwonder +7, DanRade +7, Yung Dagger Dick +2, DarkTemplarXIII +6, ThirdEye +6
Base +6, sneikkimies +15, DanRade +7, Hiltrax +5, piotrek +6, WallBang +6
Base +6, riku_93 +6, sneikkimies +15, ChillRa +5, Blopa +8, as102 +9, Zelinko +8, Hyoros +10, gert3613 +6, piotrek +6
Base +6, sneikkimies +15, Zelinko +8, Quanto +7, cm4000 +6, smerfic +5, tubo +6, vesper7 +6
Base +7, sneikkimies +15, piotrek -6, Zelinko +8, gert3613 -6, Nashiki18 +6, xaelath +5, tubo +6
Base +8, sneikkimies +15, Zelinko +8, smerfic +4, vesper7 +6
Posted on 02 March 2017, 02:44 by:
Nikulic Score
Base +2, sneikkimies +15, Zelinko +8, Hyoros +10, smerfic +4, Refyrsen +10
Base +2, sneikkimies +23, Nashiki18 +6, smerfic +4, cm4000 +6, xaelath +5, Narineko +7, piotrek +6, Rhanar +6, LuciJohWal +6, Colonel Slammovich +6
Base +4, Colonel Slammovich +6
Base +7, Colonel Slammovich +6