Base +20, ilferion +6, MasterSorrowBorn +8, zinos6 +8, atomicpuppy +36, svvarg +35, AlexMalkavian +9, blood racer +7, AGMlolz +7, kaerFlanA +6, MCHamon +3, TimtimH +6, vmpslushie +11, and 31 more...
Posted on 16 February 2017, 13:49 by:
Mahos Score
Base +9, atomicpuppy +36, ganondorf20 +6, kondoriyano -6, MCHamon +3, TimtimH +6, IchigoPanic +6, vmpslushie +11, DarkKuroi +9, Deago123 +5, Xuriax +6, the missing link +9, Zerotation +6, and 6 more...
Base +16, atomicpuppy +36, kondoriyano +6, Bane13 +40, Swirt +13, MCHamon +3, TimtimH +6, vmpslushie +11, Bork +7, DarkKuroi +9, XCN +6, Deago123 +5, Ultimax-Bonk +4, and 17 more...
Base +7, atomicpuppy +36, blood racer +7, MCHamon +3, TimtimH +6, FreeMan1231 +7, vmpslushie +11, jismen7 +8, Legojack +8, svvarg +35, DarkKuroi +9, Deago123 +5, helraios +6, and 7 more...
Base +7, atomicpuppy +36, Deago123 +5, kaerFlanA +6, Xuriax +6, Zerotation +6, ziggyb +7, 碳化铁 +2, HodorHodor +8, NikkoSin +6, Mermaidlov3r +7, unknownshadows +6, deadsadman +2
Posted on 25 February 2017, 06:00 by:
Zeph101 Score
Base +6, Inceptor57 +7, andromeda2010 -7, helraios +6, atomicpuppy +36, Xuriax +6, greenpeon +8, JikanPie +9, Zerotation +6, ziggyb +7, UselessDischarge +4, RefinedFapper +6, unknownshadows +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 08 April 2017, 04:25 by:
curqian Score
Base +6, atomicpuppy +36, JayGray7Ten +7, EDFS6 +5
Base +5, tloes +6, atomicpuppy -30, JayGray7Ten +7, jiushijiushangjiu -3
Posted on 16 June 2017, 13:25 by:
伊芙芙 Score
Base +7, atomicpuppy +36
Base +6, atomicpuppy -30, jiushijiushangjiu -3