Wow! I think he really lost is wife, tho cant wait to see what will happen next? great work!
Oh! just wanted to add! i am still shaken up by this story, if one thing you did right, is make us feel how Mr. Han anger and powerlessnes!
Oh! Very fuck up Hannan wanted to fuck Mr. Orlov before seeing her husban, tho except the tattoo, i do wounder if Mr. Orlov as next in mind? Tho if i were him, Fake boobs and other cosmetic changes would be my deal. Hey! what do i know?
that I must agree that if i were Mr. Han at this point, i would of ended it but i think he should wait just a bit at the point she comes back, if she comes back, this has to have a bad ending.
But still got to say, she get horny before seeing her husband and fucks Mr. Orlov before? Ouch! She is gone, I just cant see her going back to her husband, unless she gets some mirical worker psychologist, i dont see that relationship ever working normaly again. Tho its funny that this story got me so emotional, guess this hit one of my biggest fears, Tho Mr. Orlov turned her into some crazy slut, i want to see how far it will go, i hope there is way more the a part 5 or 10 just to fuck this shit to a level that is insane, and up to now, i dont see yet the baby producing in there, i see a hooker transformation. I think Mr, Orlov is building a profit tool out of her, like i said before, i hope he gets more hardcore, tho ouch I would more then just hurt for Mr. Han lol
And yes! I can be an asshole too. I had a cum bumpster in my past sadly, but that was way long ago
Tho still again! Great work! Tho get that torture going on 6 more parts, get Mr. Han going insane!
Tho i guess to add more, maybe Mr. Orlov should let Hannah give a ride to Mr. Han? Hey! to keep him going. like all things, its just my ideas, i am not the one wrighting this but sinces Hannah is this far gone, why not fake lips, ass and tits lol, making Hannah doing all that wont make her some good mother, so let Mr. Orlov level up that new created slut to level up lol
I guess the author has made a clear story line,and I am sure we will get what we want like body modification, tatoo,change of hair style etc. I like Void78's idea of let Hannah have a ride on her husband.
But there's one thing very important is let Hannah to keep her mind, characteristics or even love with Mr Han along with her corruption. And I can see the author has always keep that in mind,which is also a part of soul of this story. Any this is one of the best NTR story I have ever seen so far. And I believe 3Diddly will make this story a classic.
Well love your point g6monster, all i can say is lets 3Diddly do is thing, I should not sujest nothing really but guess my imagination goes wild in this case from were it as went, cause come on, Hannah did do Mr. Orlov before seeing her husband, and for a pregnacy, the pill seems weard? but does that pill gives a side effect of confusion? but just saying i want to see what 3Diddly as in mind and i hope i dont side track him with my silly thoughts, tho is story did effect me and i think if a story can make me almost freak out, that is great work! so all i say is i cant wait to see what #diddly as in mind, so its all cool stuff! we will all see whats in is mind next!
and to say again! Great work!
Oh! on a side note!
I have to disagree with g6 on the point of keeping her love with her husband and hope that she gets corrupted to a point that she no longer loves him and divorces him and her mind changes as well in some ways.
Thanks Void78.Vypress, maybe your idea will come true in future,which is also kind of interesting. But as the whole story is about her curruption, once she is fully corrupted, the story may be close to the end. How to balance her character and lust(maybe much more than that)in the process of corruption is paramount for the story. Because the shaping of Hannah is so successful,just hope she will remain unique.Anyway,I am sure 3Diddly has got everything in his mind and we all need to do is wait and see
Some guys really think that somehow this will end good? I dont know but guys just use e-hentai and look for netorare. Soon after you will understand that this cant end good. Netorare has always a bad end for the guy. The Whole story is named Hannas corruption. So trust me this can end only in bad ends and i would say it will be something around 3 different ways.
1.) The classic crap. Hannah gets corruptet to a point where she cant live without the pleasure. So either she will divorce from her Husband, happily fuck around and the bad guy will still send her ex husband pictures and videos in which she will even say things like "with my husband, it never felt that good". The other is almost the same but with a little change. They will not divorce, but because she is so curroptet and his heart and mind is broken too he became a cockhold. So the bad guy fucks her all the time (and other guys too) and he can just sit there, watch and maybe masturbate to it.
2.) The kill theory. Well its possible but dont think then everything will end good. Again 2 options. Lets say her husband kills the bad guy. After this the following could happen. She doesnt agree with it, wants a diforce and he goes to jail and will maybe never hear of her again (well for me an almost good end for Netorare because the guy doesnt need to suffer anymore). The second is he kills the bad guy she is ok with it, but he still needs to get to jail for it. She says that she wait for him. And he believes it. But as you all should know corruption is a nasty thing. So a little money here and such stuff and one of the guards gives the husband within the jail a handy on which he found pictures and videos of his Hannah get fucked by other guys again.
So i think it will one of those 4 options. maybe you say i dont thinks so or dont be such a downer but lets be realistic. Its Netorare. And like i said before take a look over 3D/Hentai Neotare Storys and Videos and you will see Netorare always ends this way. Its just a matter of time. Oh and that love vanishes is always a fact too. So yes i think it will go to the point where she stops loving him or she loves the pleasure she gets more. Sry if im mistaken but well thats feeling about Netorare that gave me all Netorare Storys until now. I dont know a single Story where you have a happy end for the couple.
Well i wont see the end. After i landed on some pretty hardcore Netorare without knowing what it was back there im somehow extremly sick of that tag. Sure i looked at this one here but just the first two chapters hoped maybe i find a bit Netorare with a happy end *lol*) to see which way it will go. And what i see until now the end will pretty heartbreaking for the guy. And dont know but cant stand that anymore. If it would be an absolute asshole i would say ok he deserves it.