Posted on 09 September 2013, 20:33 by:
Crociere Score
Base +7, falaviosex89 +5, Rusturist +5, junogray +8, Punikle -7, Seelenmord -10, wazzza +9, lewa -8, Etic -5, herpherpherp +6, spec2k -4, Perniciles +4, wankaaa -5, and 44 more...
Posted on 30 April 2014, 04:07 by:
Ezio45 Score
Base +7, falloutghoul +10, Punikle -7, Seelenmord +10, Borok +8, lewa +8, a4po +4, BPuff +5, ToxicAmphithetre +11, Valhalla892 +8, Sael +7, SummonXXXX +5, wedge1001 +8, and 52 more...
Posted on 11 September 2013, 10:32 by:
errata Score
Base +9, a4po +3, Etic +5, vitono +9, ramza91 -9, Grunt Arbiter +10, lewa -8, TITSorGTFO +8, spec2k -4, Zaxivlon -2, Gosei +3, masy1026 -7, l4chuga +5, and 19 more...
Base +4, lewa +8, Seelenmord +10, BPuff +5, Etic -5, spec2k +4, ramza91 +9, wankaaa +5, scoutxr28 +8, TITSorGTFO +8, daman11 +5, vitono +7, reziak +6, and 20 more...
Posted on 21 December 2013, 20:08 by:
D u b b y Score
Base +11, Seelenmord +10, reziak +8, vitono +9, Sael +7, iatneh e +11, ramza91 +9, TITSorGTFO -8, Kirikim -6, Kiranta -6, Shemmy -6, DanteBravo343 -2, ExecutorBill +8, and 6 more...
Base +9, scoutxr28 +8, lewa +8, TITSorGTFO +8, wankaaa +5, Dakkaroth +8, Shemmy -6, stabbybelkar +7, zzl4100598 +19, Psydon +6, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6, 1qazqaz +6, and 3 more...
Base +8, Perniciles +4, wankaaa -5, lewa +8, Lokobr +17, Seelenmord +10, TITSorGTFO +8, daman11 +5, vitono +7, Inuakurei +6, Bahamute +14, Revy28 +5, reziak +6, and 18 more...
Posted on 04 February 2014, 12:03 by:
Bear1177 Score
Base +1, Seelenmord +8, spec2k +4, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6, 1qazqaz +6, NoGirlsAloud -8
Posted on 20 February 2014, 06:54 by:
Soldier A Score
Base +2, Garadice +5, Blau-Schwinge +8, Seelenmord -8, linksbro1 +5, GlassFortress +7, vitono +7, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6, 1qazqaz +6, Not-Phen0xyethanol +3, NoGirlsAloud -8
Posted on 24 February 2014, 17:53 by:
sef50 Score
Base +1, schmocky -6, RuujiKun +1, zorcos +5, LEOEATER +6, ArchAngelrc +7, zechariah +4, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6, NoGirlsAloud -8, tobeunforgiven2 +24
Base +5, stabbybelkar +7, SPICA22 +2, conundrum +10, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6, NoGirlsAloud -8
Base +4, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6, mbahgonjo +4
Posted on 29 April 2014, 15:55 by:
antisock Score
Base +6, stabbybelkar +7, SPICA22 +2, daman11 +6, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6
Base +5, stabbybelkar +7, daman11 +6, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6, Hussaria +6
Last edited on 22 December 2014, 05:41.
Base +4, Beane +7, ExecutorBill +8, Raizan00 +5, Avera +7, zzl4100598 +19, Dooderz +8, Faval +16, eqalidan +7, Azure13 +6, TheOneMavado +3, jfragrettel +6, conkikhon +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 12 September 2014, 23:43 by:
Joses1984 Score
Base +2, emixam2005 +6, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6
Posted on 25 October 2014, 03:20 by:
yonko22 Score
Base +5, henry1110 +6, IceGolem +6, ExecutorBill +8, zzl4100598 +19, yooged +4, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6, conkikhon +6, Ooe Kintarou +2
Base +5, IceGolem +6, Faval +16, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6, Seelenmord -10, jtvjan +5
Posted on 22 December 2014, 13:22 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6, Triacom +5, ExecutorBill +8, zzl4100598 +19, yooged +4, icesonic +8, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6, conkikhon +6, eqalidan +7, alveus223 +8, J0J0nnes +1, Ooe Kintarou +2, and 4 more...
Posted on 22 December 2014, 23:54 by:
ablock Score
Base +6, Factofu +13, BomBomhotdog +2, SPICA22 +7, Azure13 -6, jfragrettel +6
Base +1, CrayZayJay -7, ExecutorBill +8, eqalidan +7, Luke78 +10, Azure13 +6, TheOneMavado +3, jfragrettel +6, J0J0nnes +1, Seelenmord -10, felix883 +5, Joe_Schmo +5, Exidus456 +6
Base +7, Faval +16, hurarwe +5, Prrrrrimm7 +9, jfragrettel +6, conkikhon +6, Seelenmord -10, Azure13 +6
Posted on 22 June 2015, 00:56 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6, Shadovore +3, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6
Base +9, Prrrrrimm7 +9, conundrum +10, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6, conkikhon +6, Battle-Jesus +6, J0J0nnes +1, Ooe Kintarou +2, TheGameBoy50 +6, Joe_Schmo +5, Rocshire +6, D. Hart +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 23 June 2015, 09:20 by:
Sippycup Score
Base +6, bloodyharry +6, Prrrrrimm7 +9, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6
Base +1, Prrrrrimm7 +9, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +6
Posted on 28 December 2015, 14:51 by:
Sippycup Score
Base +6, metalian +7, MedNed +6, TheGameBoy50 +6, Natsumenukunuku -6, patokite91 +7, Seelenmord -10, Markus2 +5, Ember232 +3, Rocshire +6, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +7
Base +12, Ooe Kintarou +2, 1qazqaz +6, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +7
Base +6, 1qazqaz +6, Azure13 +6, jfragrettel +7
Posted on 05 February 2016, 19:11 by:
Sintel Score
Base +5, eqalidan +7, 1qazqaz +6, Azure13 +6, iihinil +9, zeta9080 +1, mukwal +6, jfragrettel +7, BrassyBrass +5
Posted on 24 February 2016, 05:48 by:
FarkyMac Score
Base +4, Azure13 +6, Denjiro +11, jfragrettel +7, Dooderz -8
Base +5, Azure13 +6, ExecutorBill +8, jfragrettel +7
Posted on 14 June 2016, 07:58 by:
Lorisor Score
Last edited on 02 February 2017, 17:02.
Base +6, J0J0nnes +3, nobody_xxx +27, TheGameBoy50 +6, Ooe Kintarou +5, D. Hart +7, eastxx +6, Azure13 +6, eqalidan +7, Sinarra +4, ExecutorBill +8, jfragrettel +7, BrassyBrass +5
Posted on 15 June 2016, 04:01 by:
snake520 Score
Base +6, eastxx -6, Azure13 +6, Tesxy +28, BiohunterX +4, janusi -12, jfragrettel +7, Dooderz +8
Base +6, Ooe Kintarou +5, J0J0nnes +3, xanamoosh +6, jfragrettel +7
Base +1, xanamoosh +6, Ooe Kintarou +5, qwerty1952 +4, jfragrettel +7
Base +6, Rusturist +7, J0J0nnes +3, jfragrettel +7, theglueman +3, PBTUSH +6
Base +4, Rusturist +7, J0J0nnes +3, jfragrettel +7
Base +1, Rusturist +7, J0J0nnes +3, jfragrettel +7, TheGameBoy50 +6, xanamoosh +6
Base +8, xanamoosh +6, scoutxr28 +6, J0J0nnes +4, D. Hart +7, PBTUSH +6
Base +10, pabloalcr +6, Ooe Kintarou +7, Hera34 +3, PBTUSH +6
Base +7, Naxuro +6, Tesxy +28, Ooe Kintarou +7, J0J0nnes +4, ExecutorBill +9, eastxx +6, PBTUSH +6
Base +8, Axyltallisal +4, Werk +8, Ooe Kintarou +10, xanamoosh -6, ExecutorBill +9, tobeunforgiven2 +24
Base +1, tobeunforgiven2 +24
Base +4, Ooe Kintarou +10
Base +8, Dooderz +8, tobeunforgiven2 +24
Posted on 14 June 2017, 21:51 by:
GGS Score
Base +10, kenabrxg +15, gloriousstalin +6, jtvjan +5, Dooderz +8, tobeunforgiven2 +24
Base +9, tobeunforgiven2 +24