Base +9, a35240 +6, daswolfman +7, NickKatz +5, ArnasB +7, oneiwonder +7, 58569 +8, TheBrojangles +5, Selpha +7, Zemyih +6, cochrane +14, Acerola +11, Vanguard3125 +6, and 67 more...
Base +10, fakefalsofaketrue +6, daswolfman +7, death blades +8, emome +8, vernalcash +7, NickKatz +5, ArnasB +7, DubCat +11, oneiwonder +7, sibiris +3, Restalaan +7, xxard +8, and 93 more...
Base +6, a35240 +6, waltergeist +9, fakefalsofaketrue +6, Megaton +22, blagblag +7, synpyre +12, daswolfman +7, HamburgerHelper +7, death blades +8, emome +8, vernalcash +7, DeronRav +7, and 220 more...
Base +6, fakefalsofaketrue +6, arsg +6, blagblag +7, Millennial +7, The Archivist -8, daswolfman +7, Not-Phen0xyethanol +4, HamburgerHelper +7, vernalcash +7, DeronRav +7, snowah +7, Dooderz +8, and 195 more...
Posted on 01 October 2016, 04:11 by:
pussy69 Score
Base +6, synpyre +12, HamburgerHelper +7, cloud2304 +6, ArnasB +7, Draw99Gray +13, Qwerty Bam +6, Blazing01 +6, TheBrojangles +5, Zemyih +6, cochrane +14, GravitysLover +6, Dawnell_do +1, and 36 more...
Posted on 01 October 2016, 04:30 by:
Chris2999 Score
Base +8, daswolfman +7, cloud2304 +6, NickKatz +5, RyogoTM +11, Kotovsky +6, horribleloser +4, Restalaan +7, salfredo +8, unjike +6, ILoveMico +7, RARmaster +7, Draw99Gray +13, and 72 more...
Posted on 01 October 2016, 04:55 by:
hibeef01 Score
Base +9, daswolfman +7, HamburgerHelper +7, ArnasB +7, Qwerty Bam +6, TheBrojangles +5, Dawnell_do +1, Dickalert +6, jfragrettel +7, nokama +7, Biscuitmankid +4, AsuraZer0 +6, subjectalpha1 +4, and 22 more...
Base +9, daswolfman -7, Qwerty Bam +6, Zemyih +6, jfragrettel +7, Zeus_Laser +5, nokama +7, NoGirlsAloud -8, observer1980 +21, discojoe3 -8, Showdao +6, Visadio +15, errata +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 01 October 2016, 05:44 by:
Pzivf4 Score
Base +6, Not-Phen0xyethanol +4, HamburgerHelper +7, kikimaru024 +17, Qwerty Bam +6, Zemyih +6, theglueman +3, omegachavez +3, cruelking +7, Miriah +7, Dawnell_do +1, jfragrettel +7, waltergeist +9, and 15 more...
Posted on 01 October 2016, 05:45 by:
Darktaka Score
Base +6, cloud2304 +6, NickKatz +5, RyogoTM +11, DubCat +11, Qwerty Bam +6, Zemyih +6, Miriah +7, Dawnell_do +1, jfragrettel +7, hacklol +7, Biscuitmankid +4, AsuraZer0 +6, and 11 more...
Base +6, kikimaru024 +17, Restalaan +7, jfragrettel +7, NoGirlsAloud -8, Oddball +7, observer1980 +21, Army_L -6, Aaezahl +11, discojoe3 -8, Swaypof +1, Anontalkwarrior +6
Posted on 01 October 2016, 05:59 by:
MkFilipe Score
Base +6, NickKatz +5, RyogoTM +11, Qwerty Bam +6, Miriah +7, Dawnell_do +1, jfragrettel +7, nokama +7, Ost666 +6, NoGirlsAloud -8, observer1980 +21, hacklol +7, discojoe3 -8, and 2 more...
Posted on 01 October 2016, 06:35 by:
fatjoe400 Score
Base +6, Gugasha +7, Omnicent +6, Qwerty Bam +6, Ayazaki667 +6, omegachavez +3, Dawnell_do +1, jfragrettel +7, newguy2012a +10, sirmarius +14, AsuraZer0 +6, nokama +7, MrPandanon +4, and 23 more...
Posted on 01 October 2016, 08:03 by:
Creepy_95 Score
Base +4, Qwerty Bam +6, cruelking +7, jfragrettel +7, AsuraZer0 +6, NoGirlsAloud -8, observer1980 +21, Myzer +9, discojoe3 -8, Visadio +15, Swaypof +1, Anontalkwarrior +6
Base +6, RyogoTM +11, Qwerty Bam +6, Miriah +7, Dawnell_do +1, jfragrettel +7, Biscuitmankid +4, shuntensatsu +14, AsuraZer0 +6, NoGirlsAloud -8, observer1980 +21, moniker22 +7, discojoe3 -8, and 2 more...
Posted on 01 October 2016, 09:24 by:
blakfayt Score
Base +17, Gregorius +18, HodorHodor +8, Haelhammer -7, Qwerty Bam -6, GGS +10, oikumene +6, TheBrojangles +5, Draw99Gray +13, Zemyih -6, war15 +8, Randomguy664 +12, Dawnell_do -1, and 33 more...
Base +4, kikimaru024 +17, salfredo +8, Qwerty Bam +6, HorridGuest +14, Draw99Gray +13, Yossarian762 +7, Zemyih +6, war15 -8, omegachavez +3, 1Nkr +4, Jago Smith +7, blood racer +7, and 44 more...
Posted on 01 October 2016, 12:31 by:
ninjdsfo Score
Base +6, Zemyih +6, cochrane +14, jfragrettel +7, AsuraZer0 +6, NoGirlsAloud -8, Oddball +7, crapstain +12, observer1980 +21, Gaiadrill +6, COCOISADOG +3, Aaezahl +11, abrickhouse +4, and 4 more...
Posted on 01 October 2016, 18:47 by:
mambu Score
Base +6, Omnicent +6, Qwerty Bam +6, Selpha +7, Dawnell_do +1, jfragrettel +7, newguy2012a +10, Biscuitmankid +4, Malfalus -7, NoGirlsAloud -8, Oddball -7, observer1980 +21, Blazing01 +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 01 October 2016, 19:30 by:
fadfrog Score
Base +6, jfragrettel +7, shuntensatsu +14, NoGirlsAloud -8, observer1980 +21, newguy2012a +10, Army_L +6, discojoe3 -8
Base +6, Ayazaki667 +6, MysticErotica +6, Draw99Gray +13, Zemyih +6, cochrane +14, SageReaper +4, Jago Smith +7, jfragrettel +7, nokama +7, AsuraZer0 +6, John Tank +16, NoGirlsAloud -8, and 10 more...
Posted on 04 October 2016, 02:04 by:
shamansun Score
Base +9, jfragrettel +7, shuntensatsu +14, AsuraZer0 +6, NoGirlsAloud -8, observer1980 +21, discojoe3 -8, Showdao +6, Swaypof +1
Base +5, Draw99Gray +13, Selpha +7, Zemyih +6, Tritan +6, jenkins +6, SageReaper +4, omegachavez +3, catfacecatfacecat +6, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, Jago Smith +7, jfragrettel +7, HodorHodor +8, and 27 more...
Base +5, jfragrettel +7, hacklol +7, AsuraZer0 +6, nokama +7, observer1980 +21, discojoe3 -8, JibblyBluff +6
Posted on 25 November 2016, 03:56 by:
beyblader Score
Base +6, Jarvis_42 +8, Ryougi +10, jfragrettel +7, hacklol +7, HodorHodor +8, SageReaper +4, nokama +7, AsuraZer0 +6, nowittycomment +11, Legojack +8, lightningchaser +6, icohp1 +6, and 21 more...
Posted on 25 November 2016, 04:19 by:
Chaos1745 Score
Base +5, jfragrettel +7, hacklol +7, HodorHodor +8, nokama +7, AsuraZer0 +6, NoGirlsAloud -8, incogna777 +2, Oddball -7, observer1980 +21, John Tank +16, shuntensatsu +14, Kael Hyun -9, and 9 more...
Base +6, jfragrettel +7, rising11 +8, RevZ +9, John Tank +16, NoGirlsAloud -8, eSiennaSkye +7, observer1980 +21, newguy2012a -10, discojoe3 -8
Posted on 04 December 2016, 16:24 by:
lukejw Score
Base +6, AsuraZer0 +6, Vanguard3125 +6, Xuriax +6, nokama +7, NoGirlsAloud -8, observer1980 +21, discojoe3 -8, jfragrettel +8, Blaze_fire +8
Base +18, Ost666 +6, traversal +11, pabloalcr +7, Teramol +8, observer1980 +21, rockingoldensamurai +6, discojoe3 -8, jfragrettel +8, Blaze_fire +8, Anon323 +10, LawlietKlaw +7, OlorinTheWise +6, and 2 more...
Base +7, pabloalcr +7, Calicko +6, lightningchaser +6, SSJGoken +7, observer1980 +21, discojoe3 -8, jfragrettel +8
Posted on 31 January 2017, 01:56 by:
Amadeyus Score
Base +6, pabloalcr +7, kaitouyami +6, lightningchaser +6, Kotovsky +6, DemonElfAnon -6, observer1980 +21, COCOISADOG +3, Newtypeswag +6, discojoe3 -8, jfragrettel +8, abrickhouse +4, cochrane -18, and 3 more...
Base +6, DemonElfAnon +6, observer1980 +21, Zatharista +8, discojoe3 -8, jfragrettel +8
Posted on 03 March 2017, 04:56 by:
hjerry Score
Base +6, John Tank +16, Lord Ekul +8, yukaras +6, Blazing01 +6, Kuwabara42 +8, MysticErotica +6, Army_L +6, Ryougi +10, Calicko +6, ayylmaotopkek +4, HodorHodor +8, D.E.R. +6, and 18 more...
Posted on 08 April 2017, 14:21 by:
Darktaka Score
Base +6, Blazing01 +6, gogoman124 +6, HodorHodor +8, ayylmaotopkek +5, Calicko +6, jfragrettel +8, Dragzos +4, abrickhouse +4, cochrane +18
Posted on 08 April 2017, 17:21 by:
Xerodusk Score
Base +22, ayylmaotopkek +5, John Tank +17, 1Nkr +5, Dragzos +4, yanaverg +5, Calicko +6, discojoe3 -8, desertbox +6, jfragrettel +8, abrickhouse +4, cochrane +18
Base +8, FlorpFlorble +6, John Tank +17, 1Nkr +5, oikumene +6, Dragzos +4, yanaverg +5, Calicko +6, 1776XKCD +6, Eternity +6, RevZ +9, SageReaper +5, purvert +6, and 14 more...
Base +6, John Tank +17, tmantrent +5, 1Nkr +5, D.E.R. +6, Dragzos +4, yanaverg +5, pabloalcr +7, Calicko +6, 1776XKCD +6, kaluak +8, SageReaper +5, Hollownerox +6, and 13 more...
Base +6, HodorHodor +8, Dragzos +4, jfragrettel +8, smullville +5, pabloalcr +7, justicechi +6, SageReaper +5, Calicko +6, sejpaa +7, acceleratus -6, Jakkuzarippa +7, 1Nkr +5
Posted on 02 May 2017, 05:54 by:
retrox Score
Base +6, Dragzos +4, Calicko +6, Elios K +6, Myzer +9, danni456 +7, 1Nkr +5, dirty joe +6, jfragrettel +8, Rule63MePlease +5
Base +6, Calicko +6, Myzer +9, Legojack +8, FlorpFlorble +6, Saldronsplit +2, pabloalcr +7, deadarm +6, sam1985 +6, jfragrettel +8, DahHowl +6
Posted on 23 May 2017, 05:16 by:
Krozam Score
Base +9, Calicko +6, SageReaper +5, Alexandar +6, sam1985 +6, deutalo +6, Faulks +7, HodorHodor +8, 1Nkr +5, Xunkun +6, yanaverg +5, Dragzos +4, jfragrettel +8, and 3 more...
Base +6, deutalo +6, Orangecola +6, Faulks +7, HodorHodor +8, 1Nkr +5, Xunkun +6, SageReaper +5, Dragzos +4, jfragrettel +8, OlorinTheWise +6
Base +16, dirty joe +6, kikimaru024 +17, Visadio +15, jfragrettel +8, OlorinTheWise +6, Rule63MePlease +5
Base +4, dirty joe +6, kikimaru024 +17, SageReaper +5, ayylmaotopkek +5, altofinale +6, HodorHodor +8, jfragrettel +8, Austriacus +6
Base +7, felipezav +6, yanaverg +5, kikimaru024 +17, SageReaper +5, ayylmaotopkek +5, D.E.R. +6, Dragzos +4, jfragrettel +8, Aaezahl +13, TheBettyMonster +6, Austriacus +6, J_Dawg +5, and 1 more...
Posted on 07 June 2017, 04:30 by:
Snouder Score
Base +7, HodorHodor +8, Dragzos +4, itzaguy +11, pabloalcr +7, jfragrettel +8, TheBettyMonster +6, inuyasha8888 +6
Base +8, Dragzos +4, jfragrettel +8, inuyasha8888 +6
Base +6, jfragrettel +8, JibblyBluff +6, inuyasha8888 +6
Base +5, JibblyBluff +6, Tesxy -29
Posted on 16 August 2017, 17:00 by:
Hyoros Score
Base +8
Posted on 27 December 2017, 04:12 by:
jimura024 Score
Base +6