Base +6, Appriser +5, aubrie paterson +6, MisterLemon +13, Adyen +6, Gentleman Chimera +6, Leximaru -6, smileyrat +6, SpencerPootis +7, zeke666 -7, 365219847p +4, freyjadour25 +12, Kaypa22 +7, and 2 more...
Base +6, Ost666 +6, freyjadour25 +11, zxczxcasdasd +5, =0w0= +7, MisterLemon +13, iamaneskimot +6, Gentleman Chimera +6, Rango532 +6, GhostStalker +8, Gaiadrill +8, UnImportant2314 +1
Base +6, avikdas99 +4, qweerti +6, Scarlet99 +6, Ost666 +6, qrsWtuv +9, sable1 +21, freyjadour25 +11, =0w0= +7, MisterLemon +13, destructorspace +22, Sky boy +6, Gentleman Chimera +6, and 10 more...
Base +6, Slobber +30, Brutalist +7, freyjadour25 +11, Adyen +6, kanzato +6, hermit20 +6, haberdash421 +2
Base +7, MisterLemon +13, Vagic +6, smileyrat +6, hewhocumsbynight +7
Base +6, GuroLover12 +10, SonicGTR +6, freyjadour25 +11, =0w0= +7, Gentleman Chimera +6, theboredotaku -6
Base +6, hermit20 +6, kanzato +6, Infinal +17, zeke666 +7, freyjadour25 +12
Base +6, MisterLemon +13, Adyen +6, GGS +10, Ost666 +6, Gentleman Chimera +6, smileyrat +6, zeke666 -7, freyjadour25 +12, hewhocumsbynight +7
Base +6, hermit20 +6, Gentleman Chimera +6, GGS +10, theboredotaku -6
Base +53, hermit20 +6, freyjadour25 +12
Last edited on 10 March 2017, 10:13.
Base +6, Adyen +6, zeke666 +7, miki fujiwara +7
Base +6, kanzato +6, zeke666 +7, miki fujiwara +7, freyjadour25 +12
Base +1, zeke666 +7, Prof. Tree +7