Base +8, goldengravity +3, skulldude111 +6, RaizelX -6, jellypicnic -6, darkwing42 +18, Kingarthur2 +5, Visagesage -5, Medra -6, robus77 +7, brbjgl +5, Ictiosis -4, FMPower +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 19 April 2017, 01:54 by:
nicrocon Score
Base +7, Fishyboy101 +6, Kanuro5 +7, Laharl_EAC +10, Kingarthur2 -5, Visagesage -5, sweetflan +3, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. -9, Kreel +6, silentspring +9, Difer +6, absolugom -7
Base +6, Kanuro5 +7, Kingarthur2 -5, DreamerZero +6, LemonKick -6, FappingToTheBeat +3, jsnormandy +7, Ictiosis +4, xburner337 +6, kenshiTBG -1, lothar1399 +2, fighterzer98 +7, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +10, and 3 more...
Posted on 19 April 2017, 03:10 by:
dman69 Score
Base +7, Kingarthur2 +5, animanera89 +7, addabug +6, Sorax +7, robus77 +7, totaldefence -6, Drax +9, sagasghai -8, Ictiosis -4, vastolordzen -6, FMPower -6, asdjuan +6, and 10 more...
Posted on 19 April 2017, 03:50 by:
kashiri Score
Base +9, Kanuro5 +7, Kingarthur2 -5, totaldefence +6, sagasghai -8, Ictiosis -4, vastolordzen -6, kenshiTBG -1, lothar1399 +2, xburner337 +6, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +9, WoodenGlaze -6, HeMGeneras52 +4, and 2 more...
Base +8, Kingarthur2 +5, addabug +6, sagasghai -8, Ictiosis -4, xburner337 +6, sweetflan +3, lothar1399 +2, fighterzer98 -7, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +9, WoodenGlaze +6, HeMGeneras52 +4, Kreel -6, and 1 more...
Base +13, Kingarthur2 -5, FappingToTheBeat +3, totaldefence +6, sagasghai +8, jsnormandy +7, xburner337 +6, lothar1399 +2, HabaneroJim +12, fighterzer98 +7, HeMGeneras52 +4, suratkabar +10, silentspring +9, and 1 more...
Base +6, xXGottSteinXx +6, totaldefence +6, Ictiosis -4, xburner337 +6, sweetflan +3, lothar1399 +2, WoodenGlaze +6, HeMGeneras52 +4, silentspring +9, absolugom +7
Base +4, DreamerZero +6, asdjuan +6, xburner337 +6, HeMGeneras52 +4, silentspring +9, absolugom -7
Posted on 24 May 2017, 06:12 by:
聆听、寂寞 Score
Base +1, SamBurgers +2
Posted on 22 October 2017, 14:31 by:
pureyang Score
Base +21, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, suratkabar +10, silentspring +9