Since Nobody bothered to upload this so i thought i'd do it but still mattwilson83 created to series (not naruto... duh) so i give props to him for keeping this up.
I know I'm probably going to get some flack for this,'d think after 27 volumes, the art would get better. This is even lazier than the *actual* Naruto manga.
Don't expect it to get better anytime soon either lol. I admit, some of Matt's stuff is actually really good, and they don't always need to be great visually in order to be good fapping material. That being said, i wish Matt spent more time/effort into the drawing itself, because there's a lot of potential with some of his work (his Naruto Sage deodorant series for example is a really nice concept)... it's just that the drawings are crap most of time. He's got the story aspect on lock though!