Base +6, charlies121 +5, iihinil +9, 當局的旁觀者 +3, seeker555 +8
Base +12, xb261018s +5, void-stealer +6, RandomAnon -7, crazymagic +12, lolo7890 +8, psicomenace +11, godjesus +8, Ulilpieceofshit +4, svines85 +35, Dammon +39, xasanbegura +2, Hyoros +8, and 5 more...
Base +7, psicomenace +11, godjesus +8, rotar zairo +9, Yunikon +1, omit_ +6, Corpkamikaze +7, tried00 +6, mikey57 +13, xasanbegura +2, Hyoros +8, fjw19980908 +4, aerd +13, and 5 more...
Base +4, ojun +6, seeker555 +8
Base +5, Corpkamikaze +7, HyouReikyou1 +1, fjw19980908 +4, aerd +13
Base +5, ojun +6, seeker555 +8
Posted on 28 February 2018, 15:02 by:
freeFjjg Score
Base +1, ji3g4xu.6gji4 -6, 怕寂寞的恶魔 -6