1-11 Handycap 2 Melanie vs Regina for a shoot at Eve's title very good & bloody fight,Regina wins. 12-21 Championship 2016 Eve vs Regina title fight not a fan of this fight two one sided for a title fight,Regina wins new champ. 22-31 Kill two birds one stone - Sally Ford vs Goldy Holden,Two new fighters fight before being put in to tag teams,Goldy wins joins Helen in the Dark Singles while Sally joins Scarlett in the Wild Blondes. 32-43 Maria's Revenge - Dana vs Maria,Maria wants revenge for losing to Dana in the first fight they had,Pretty good fight Maria wins would like to see a rubber match for them. 44-59 Patricia vs Janelle,Fight for a spot on Nikita's team,Patrica wins pretty good better than i thought it would be & a pretty even fight too.