Base +7, abc123abc +9, floodbit +7, Bacshojin +7, Myzer +9, plahplah +6, Master E +6, drago78535 +6, sodmeva +6, AegisSwordsman +3, Divine God of Lust +4, VENOM.SERPENT +7, SuperGenericAnon +7, and 35 more...
Posted on 26 May 2017, 12:18 by:
Kalevala Score
Base +33, cemex +23, Abweichung +6, rockingoldensamurai +6, abc123abc +9, Guardsman40k +4, Vonsta +2, jackels +8, Miriah +7, floodbit +7, Jago Smith +7, Sky boy +6, Bacshojin -7, and 194 more...
Base +15, cemex +23, placeholder12345 +6, Myzer +9, Dr. Ball +7, Master E +6, SilenceComes +6, Thanks +7, AegisSwordsman +3, EinstEisen +7, Silver206 +7, Fluffforgets +6, CatgirlFanatic +6, and 35 more...
Base +5, cemex +23, ramaboy28 +2, jessica702 +9, Martacusso +6, joseph513 +4, BlueSmoke +5, plahplah +6, Master E +6, Imperial +6, Thanks +7, Arlinath +6, AegisSwordsman +3, and 43 more...
Posted on 26 May 2017, 13:28 by:
btnan12 Score
Base +4, jessica702 +9, Bacshojin +7, wardrobe-2 +4, Almighty19 +6, placeholder12345 -6, kondoriyano +6, plahplah +6, Imperial +6, Thanks +7, AegisSwordsman +3, Capi duffman +15, QnecroV +6, and 62 more...
Posted on 26 May 2017, 13:37 by:
Saberia Score
Base +6, Bacshojin +7, placeholder12345 -6, son89412 +6, plahplah +6, AegisSwordsman +3, Eyriol +7, heyno +10, Graythor5 +4, 3dd +7, zykyne +7, nigipep +6, PikkoPikko +6, and 13 more...
Base +7, ChillBroMcswaggins +8, jessica702 +9, Jago Smith +7, Bacshojin +7, Sirpunishment +6, MedNed +6, Martacusso +6, son89412 +6, Hugh Jarse +6, tgsos +8, Myzer +9, Dr. Ball -7, and 86 more...
Base +7, placeholder12345 -6, Holeinthehead +6, plahplah +6, Master E +6, Imperial +6, SilenceComes +6, Thanks +7, AegisSwordsman +3, EinstEisen +7, VENOM.SERPENT +7, BestraferSein +6, SuperGenericAnon +7, and 63 more...
Posted on 26 May 2017, 15:00 by:
Seratina Score
Base +7, Myzer +9, Master E +6, Imperial +6, Thanks +7, AegisSwordsman +3, EinstEisen +7, shuntensatsu +14, DoctorBleach +6, heyno +10, Reunsigned +6, Gim-Li +10, AznTHundaGod +7, and 30 more...
Base +12, qbuster +4, Myzer +9, Holeinthehead +6, Dr. Ball -7, Master E +6, Imperial +6, SilenceComes +6, AegisSwordsman +3, Divine God of Lust +4, shuntensatsu +14, CatgirlFanatic +6, Jago Smith +7, and 44 more...
Base +6, Holeinthehead +6, Dr. Ball +7, Master E +6, Imperial +6, AegisSwordsman +3, EinstEisen +7, shuntensatsu +14, CatgirlFanatic +6, Cressent67 +5, heyno +10, Graythor5 +4, sweetflan +3, and 12 more...
Base +6, Holeinthehead +6, Master E +6, Imperial +6, SilenceComes +6, Thanks +7, AegisSwordsman +3, Dustfinger -11, the missing link +9, SuperGenericAnon +7, shuntensatsu +14, CatgirlFanatic +6, bobtacosenderson +5, and 24 more...
Posted on 26 May 2017, 15:43 by:
bakasora Score
Base +11, Holeinthehead +6, Imperial +6, AegisSwordsman +3, SuperGenericAnon +7, shuntensatsu +14, AGMlolz +9, heyno +10, Graythor5 +4, sweetflan +3, nigipep +6, aquarising -6, sywbv +4, and 5 more...
Posted on 26 May 2017, 17:07 by:
Labelle Score
Base +6, AegisSwordsman +3, VENOM.SERPENT -7, shuntensatsu +14, Potheeeed +4, sir_gamer +6, Hismoot +4
Posted on 26 May 2017, 17:12 by:
Neemo19 Score
Base +6, Serefin -6, sweetflan +3, deaddanny -4, sakurasaku -6, Dezy Mario -6, Enki17 +10, shadowlolita +5, Konola -7, Demaar -6, idontfuckingcare -6, nocacoco +8, sock puppet -6, and 3 more...
Base +8, SilenceComes +6, Arlinath +6, AegisSwordsman +3, EinstEisen +7, VENOM.SERPENT +7, SuperGenericAnon +7, the missing link +9, deckard09 +6, shuntensatsu +14, CatgirlFanatic +6, Deviane +6, GentlemanJohnson +8, and 55 more...
Base +6, AegisSwordsman +3, 1sb +6, sir_gamer +6, Hismoot +4
Base +12, AegisSwordsman +3, sweetflan +3, Enki17 +10, Saladofstones +6, Ost666 +6, sir_gamer +6, Hismoot +4
Posted on 26 May 2017, 18:37 by:
Marien Score
Base +18, AegisSwordsman +3, D. Hart +7, shuntensatsu +14, heyno +10, Soldier A +6, zykyne +7, sweetflan +3, Der Fuhrer +6, Master E +6, Avandemine +6, daretofight +7, AzaleaHinodegiri +5, and 10 more...
Base +7, D. Hart +7, shuntensatsu +14, Moojuice +7, heyno +10, sweetflan +3, HypnoFan1950 +4, Enki17 +10, Konola +7, AzaleaHinodegiri +5, wowfapper +6, Shimeru +6, Demaar +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 26 May 2017, 18:40 by:
Jule Score
Base +7, AegisSwordsman +3, 1sb +6, Moo_Cow +6, wowfapper -6
Posted on 26 May 2017, 18:41 by:
michka Score
Base +4, AegisSwordsman +3, sweetflan +3, Hismoot +4
Base +6, lockedupslut +6, Enki17 +10, Moo_Cow -6, butt1234123412341234 +6, Hismoot +4, Konola -7
Base +6, Starwars -7, shuntensatsu +14, sweetflan +3, HypnoFan1950 +4, Årstiden1642 +3, Enki17 +10, Shimeru +6, PotatoManX +4, sir_gamer +6, Draw99Gray +17, Hismoot +4
Posted on 26 May 2017, 20:32 by:
zoppu Score
Base +6, Hismoot +4, Konola -7
Base +6, shuntensatsu +14, bobtacosenderson +5, Enki17 +10, sir_gamer +6
Base +7, sweetflan +3, Hismoot +4
Posted on 27 May 2017, 01:32 by:
IMNC Score
Base +6, sweetflan +3, HypnoFan1950 +4, Amuro1X -7, Enki17 +10, Saladofstones +6, sir_gamer +6, CountBassD -6, Hismoot +4
Base +6, vunceer99 -6, Hismoot +4
Base +5, Captian Katsura -7, sweetflan +3, 12ttyy -6, Amuro1X -7, FlamingZombiez -8, Moo_Cow -6, Konola +7, Demaar +6, poajel -4, ryu kadama +6, Kereghan +15, Hismoot +4
Posted on 27 May 2017, 06:39 by:
giftz Score
Base +11, Captian Katsura -7, Serefin -6, sweetflan +3, Moo_Cow -6, Konola -7, Demaar -6, poajel -4, Onlyoneuse69 -6, HazaIV -6, Martz -7, Raen245 -6, Hismoot -4, and 1 more...
Posted on 27 May 2017, 11:57 by:
15533sa2 Score
Base +7, Captian Katsura -7, sweetflan +3, Amuro1X -7, FlamingZombiez -8, xburner337 +6, diddlyding -17, Enki17 +10, Konola +7, Shimeru +6, Hismoot -4
Base +8, Captian Katsura -7, sweetflan +3, 12ttyy -6, HypnoFan1950 +4, Amuro1X -7, Årstiden1642 +3, FlamingZombiez -8, xburner337 +6, diddlyding +17, Enki17 +10, Moo_Cow -6, Konola +7, and 8 more...
Base +7, sweetflan +3, Amuro1X -7, Enki17 +10, Moo_Cow -6, Konola +7, Shimeru +6, Draw99Gray +17, bobclinton94 -6, Captian Katsura -7, Hismoot +4
Base +6, HypnoFan1950 +4, Amuro1X -7, sgourd +6, Årstiden1642 +3, butt1234123412341234 +5, diddlyding +17, Enki17 +10, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, daretofight +7, Konola +7, placeholder12345 -6, Shimeru +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 28 May 2017, 11:14 by:
medfx Score
Base +6, 12ttyy +6, Der Fuhrer +6, Amuro1X +7, Noob Translation +2, Enki17 +10, Moo_Cow +6, Hismoot +4
Base +5, 12ttyy +6, Amuro1X +7, diddlyding +17, Moo_Cow +6, Captian Katsura +7, Hismoot +4
Base +6, Master E +6, Shimeru +6, Xsoteria +8, Hismoot +4
Base +6, Hismoot +4, Konola -7
Base +6, Enki17 +10, Moo_Cow +6, poajel +4, Xsoteria +8, Hismoot +4
Base +8, Enki17 +10, Moo_Cow -6, NarueMoon +6, placeholder12345 -6, Hismoot +4
Base +2, Enki17 +10, beneath +6, AzertyPorto +8, Xsoteria +8, Mastersparx +6, Draw99Gray +17, Hismoot +4
Posted on 23 July 2017, 11:01 by:
克里斯大人 Score
Base +5
Base +5, deaddanny +5, Draw99Gray +17, Hismoot +4
Posted on 30 November 2017, 06:15 by:
blulaz Score
Base +6, Captian Katsura +7, Hismoot +4, Draw99Gray +18
Posted on 23 June 2018, 18:14 by:
RigenZ Score
Base +6, HazaIV -6, Captian Katsura -7, Hismoot -4, Konola +7
Posted on 09 March 2021, 17:13 by:
吃包子的熊猫 Score
Base +5