Base +6, SSSdriver +7, Smitelight +6, deydy96 +6, LameArtStuff +5, Leader of Chaos +10, daniell361 +5, big bad birtha +6, Executor32 +7, MikuJess -9, Eggnogyummy +1, ZimZamster +6, GreasePony +6, and 19 more...
Base +6, MikuJess -9, Eggnogyummy +1, GreasePony +6, Thranos -6, crzyguy3 -6, Upshoo -6, HappySlave +7, FarkyMac -7, Caesar Czarson +4, EvilScotsman12 -13, Dalgg512 +16, kenry -6, and 10 more...
Base +19, HappySlave +7, FarkyMac +7, Caesar Czarson +4, EvilScotsman12 -13, kenry +6, linksbro1 +8, unknownshadows +5, godofthunder -7, Decimus66 -5, GravityQueen +6, cartledgej -7
Base +6, FarkyMac +7, godofthunder -7, Big Man 1011337 +6, ffsploxffscomeonpls +1
Base +5, Caesar Czarson -4, Upshoo +6, EvilScotsman12 +13, kenry +6, godofthunder -7, eastxx -6, Decimus66 +5, ffsploxffscomeonpls +1, Thatothersting +11
Posted on 04 June 2017, 16:10 by:
Zego21 Score
Base +4, godofthunder -7, Upshoo +6, Manilovevore +6
Posted on 04 June 2017, 20:05 by:
flame841 Score
Base +6, godofthunder -7, eastxx -6, theglueman +4, Decimus66 +5, unknownshadows -5, 1qazqaz +7
Posted on 08 June 2017, 05:49 by:
zoppu Score
Base +6, ffsploxffscomeonpls -1, cartledgej -7
Posted on 08 June 2017, 21:56 by:
Pimliko Score
Base +2, NSoul +6
Posted on 12 August 2017, 06:22 by:
UnkonwA Score
Base +1