Posted on 08 June 2017, 00:00 by:
ROBBOO Base +9, Slayyer70 -7, Enki17 +10, felbot +6, Mahari +6, Ahmenhotep +9, NitroRaikou +5, madbakh +6, Feidelm +3, Jaken Jragin +6, fletchlives +8, Mevolent +5, randdoggity +7, and 33 more...
Posted on 07 May 2017, 09:47 by:
IzzyData Score
Base +6, Slayyer70 +7, KenChan +15, Jaken Jragin -6, freakyshotafreak -6, HappySlave -7, blackout4465 +6, iphap -9, GrimmD +7, undefinedghost +7, orekaminasama -7, android 18 +5, titoloco -7, and 4 more...
Base +5, Feidelm +3, Jaken Jragin +6, HappySlave -7, Bud_1911 +6, iphap +9, AfromusPrime +6, neoeccel +7, Nymphette +8, southrim +26, Revan23 +6, Bomb Square +7, Jig Jagger +2, and 1 more...
Base +7, NitroRaikou -5, Romi the Byzantine -7, Feidelm +3, Jaken Jragin -6, fletchlives -8, No U -7, xxard +8, blankedslate -6, leonnn25 +6, AllosapianXIII -6, alienrox +6, einkreuz -9, and 47 more...
Base +6, Feidelm +3, HappySlave -7, bahlm +6, hellokey +6, 815694 -4, majinyude123 +6, feliciaxz +6, TCJJ -6
Posted on 07 May 2017, 14:57 by:
aaasss1 Score
Base +6, Jaken Jragin +6, xxard -8, neoeccel +7, newp123 -6, Dariolo95 -8, hoseinlatex -4, boredtrucker -6, Minaroto -12, kayinnasaki -6, Andreas98 -7, Bostoncrab -6, HappySlave +7, and 6 more...
Base +1, fletchlives +8, HappySlave -7
Posted on 08 May 2017, 02:34 by:
dk2s Score
Base +6, HappySlave -7, bahlm +6, hellokey +6, TCJJ -6
Posted on 08 June 2017, 02:17 by:
Yboss Score
Base +6, lk756700295 +2
Base +6, YoudontknowmexD +11, Nymphette +8, Steve2 +8, titoloco +7
Base +6, DeaCultum -2, titoloco -7
Base +7, orekaminasama -7, cg8 +8, boredtrucker -6, Narbler -6, TCJJ +6
Posted on 08 June 2017, 16:31 by:
Izayajun Score
Base +6, hellokey +6, TCJJ -6
Base +5, bluesky083 +7, conserv_estimates +6
Base +7, feliciaxz +6, TCJJ -6
Base +5, go58mets +6, feliciaxz +6, majinyude123 +6, TCJJ -6