Base +6, 1qazqaz +6, ravenstag +6, amidar +7, Manata938 +7, Novanity +5, Roachhero +1, killroy_255 +6, SatalinLoveJr -6, lost-in-thought -6, Stormblaze69 +5, C h a n +10, computertest +7
Posted on 18 June 2017, 19:34 by:
jonhddd Score
Base +6, JunkAlot +6, GeneralButt +3, AyeSpy +6, errata +6, theglueman +4, 1qazqaz +6, Stormblaze69 +3, ssssssshhhhhhhh +6, Acapella +6, question42 +4, kingwolf +19, amidar +7, and 19 more...
Base +6, animefan69 +6, pabloalcr +7, 1qazqaz +6, ravenstag +6, Stormblaze69 +3, Acapella +6, Novanity +5, C4th0de +8, Livid Cock +6, SatalinLoveJr +6, pokgai +7, Senor Pwnage +7, and 14 more...
Base +7, Manata938 -7, Livid Cock -6, Roachhero -1, SatalinLoveJr -6, red_kyuubi_fox -11, avatoa +6, idontfuckingcare -6, Artemiskt -7, lost-in-thought -6, Zizer -11, animasouloss -10, maeschder -6
Base +7, maeschder +6, wowfapper +6, TrilbysQuest +6, Reson -6, RatchetSly +6, ravenstag +6, Stormblaze69 +3, ssssssshhhhhhhh +6, Acapella +6, Novanity +5, Qkeftw993 +6, heykenny +2, and 20 more...
Posted on 18 June 2017, 20:26 by:
knolden9 Score
Base +6, Acapella +6, Manata938 -7, Novanity +5, pokgai +7, Thirst -8, idontfuckingcare -6, lostlegoman +8, sweetflan +5, 3rdDeadAlive -6, ZimZamster +6, C h a n +10
Base +6, maeschder -6, katarinalelele -6, Jayprince -4, Roachhero -1, red_kyuubi_fox -11, 3rdDeadAlive -6, meikonfuu -4
Base +6, ravenstag +6, Acapella -6, katarinalelele -6, Manata938 +7, Novanity +5, Senor Pwnage -7, idontfuckingcare +6, Artemiskt +7, sweetflan -5, peneparado -6
Posted on 19 June 2017, 23:56 by:
fiamole Score
Last edited on 24 June 2017, 03:28.
Base +7, Roachhero -1, WalrusDerp +6, Vaer +6, pokgai -7, Magitek Master -6, possumtally -6, Senor Pwnage -7, ciraxxis -6, Zosiopolis -6, Jomamma64 +6, SatalinLoveJr -6, Thunderdome -6, and 10 more...
Posted on 23 June 2017, 20:00 by:
danund81 Score
Base +6, Senor Pwnage +7, fappyqaz +6, Mastermond +6, sordcooper +7, lost-in-thought +6, Hilarity +6, Beatzzex -1, rainbowkrystal +6, acceleratus +6
Base +10, Jomamma64 +6, Thirst -8, dt_lol +8, idontfuckingcare -6, Luckyvuddy000 -7, lost-in-thought -6, Hilarity +6, 3rdDeadAlive -6, lyght -6, S.Skygazer +7, rainbowkrystal +6
Posted on 28 June 2017, 20:35 by:
gatoumon Score
Base +6, SciFiMisc +5, 3rdDeadAlive -6
Base +7, lost-in-thought +6, 3rdDeadAlive -6, 1timer +6
Base +3, lost-in-thought +6