Posted on 21 June 2017, 17:51 by:
LWND Posted on 22 June 2017, 19:25 by:
user00 Score
Base +8, Bobangock +6, MSZ-008 +6, fuckiecookie +22, Zakuzelo +11, shiranai -7, Naturally +14, ki1ler7 +19, Zelinko +8, svines85 -30, ShinkuTear +7, YUXLOA +6, pdadac +6, and 1 more...
Base +3, Bobangock -6, fuckiecookie -22, shiranai +7, qazmlpok -19, SnowballDrone -6, Zelinko -8, pdadac -6, The XYNTA -6, Winged Ikaros -6, Juggernaut Santa -24, SiG -7
Posted on 22 June 2017, 21:13 by:
warellis Score
Base +7, Bobangock +6, MSZ-008 +6, shiranai -7, Zelinko +8, svines85 -30, somedude1234symbols +2, ShinkuTear +7, YUXLOA +6, fuckiecookie +22, pdadac +6, The XYNTA +6, Juggernaut Santa +24, and 1 more...
Base +3, Bobangock -6, fuckiecookie -22, shiranai +7, qazmlpok -19, Zelinko -8, somedude1234symbols -2, ShinkuTear -7, pdadac -6, Winged Ikaros -6, Juggernaut Santa -24, SiG -7