Posted on 22 June 2017, 06:06 by:
pop9 Score
Base +67, pooppundae +5, GoofyMaster +7, sorakazu +6, dabrhe +6, PockKnok -5, LayMayo +5, SG Lolithia +3, sir_gamer +6
Base +6, amurec80 +6, Undeadcynic97 +8, jere512 +6, Enzo_ +5, hurfdurf01 +6, Polonte +10, sorakazu +6, dabrhe +6, zetdrawner +6, Avexinfinite +2, Guimigli +4, fiestyferret +2, and 5 more...
Base +6, Undeadcynic97 +8, jere512 +6, Enzo_ +5, amurec80 +6, hurfdurf01 +6, sigfriedo +6, deathkey3 +11, meh meh +7, dextr0yed +6, xburner337 +6, 1776XKCD +6, Cristoqueso +4, and 51 more...
Posted on 22 June 2017, 08:00 by:
NaitoSky Score
Base +6, GoofyMaster +7, sorakazu +6, pupss97162 +12, Rey Zatiro +7
Base +8, oneiwonder +7, Zeikfried +13, DaMacc +6, sorakazu +6, dabrhe +6, YugiohKris +6, adam322 +6, yanaverg +5, LayMayo +5, csorax100 +6, xeukytb +1, Dudesaplenty +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 22 June 2017, 16:20 by:
spadus12 Score
Base +1, Shisukei -6, randdoggity -7, GeneralButt -3, muad-dib57 -6, freekvids -4, DaMacc -6, sorakazu -6, dabrhe -6, raitei2000 -6, HeHasNoStyle -5
Posted on 22 June 2017, 16:41 by:
Joabos Score
Base +6, Cristoqueso +4, GoofyMaster +7, GeneralButt +3, sorakazu +6, dabrhe +6
Base +3, IgotSWEG +6, GeneralButt +3, Cakman +7, koplje +8, sorakazu +6, yanaverg +5, LayMayo +5, SG Lolithia +3, pupss97162 +12, pHd_pancake_tosser +7, thugwug +6, untraceablelarry +6
Base +6, sorakazu +6, boboverlord +7, BlackAssassin1 +6, pupss97162 +12
Base +4, DaMacc -6, sorakazu -6, Nyanpervert -6, PockKnok -5, Xirdneh -4, suspence -6, aderhold -2
Base +7, Meyguhmein +6, Toribash +7
Posted on 28 June 2017, 22:11 by:
Stre Led Score
Base +6, Toribash +7
Posted on 28 June 2017, 22:22 by:
Lizzly25 Score
Base +6
Base +5, zetdrawner +6, xeukytb +1
Base +6, zetdrawner +6, yanaverg +5, boboverlord +7, SG Lolithia +3, Hopekens +5
Base +6, Guimigli +4, rikv +5, yanaverg +5, boboverlord +7, Dark642 +9, LayMayo +5, xeukytb +1, Toribash +7, Cyko +6, ShadowDread +7, SG Lolithia +3, jjnf +6
Base +6, LayMayo +5, dkman5000 +6
Posted on 14 July 2017, 10:37 by:
DarkMel Score
Base +7, xeukytb +1