You are a saint! It takes so long sometimes to get the end card you want. Especially when the AI doesn't want to use certain attacks (looking at you, Expand Bee! Stop dashing into the wall softlocking the game all the time!).
Edit: How do I get the ending for 41? I've never seen this.
@superneedles i think thats the Hellgate+ boss ending where he supers you at the Egg/plant and swallows you whole (his mouth appears).... im not entirely sure because he only did it once to me and NEVER again (it missed because i back jumped at the time)
wish there was a faster way to get to that boss than dealing with those 4 things... always get a bug where the damn jellyfish spawns directly ontop of me so i cannot heal/finish it half the time
Eluku is amazing. For those who don't know and who care, there's another free game (in development, weekly updated) available on his blog named Wolf's Dungeon, which is a sort of adventure game; not really enough to be called a metroidvania yet. Think they also offer concept art etc for their enty subscribers.