Base +6, John Doe 1 -6, MacFride -6, Wolfragnium +6, chicagotypewriter -7, Mummel -6, m0m0d0a -7, andromeda2010 -7, Ghostinthemachine00 +6, dormammu5595 -4, supanoodle -9, Beaver_bac -9, blockade -8, and 7 more...
Posted on 27 June 2017, 17:49 by:
JoseFett Score
Base +3, John Doe 1 -6, MacFride -6, Mummel -6, andromeda2010 -7, Ghostinthemachine00 +6, supanoodle -9, Beaver_bac -9, zxc198195917 +3, blockade -8, ITTO24 +6, Cypher1221 -7, breakshadow +6, and 11 more...
Base +2, John Doe 1 -6, MacFride -6, chicagotypewriter -7, Mummel -6, m0m0d0a -7, Juggernaut Santa +24, andromeda2010 -7, Ghostinthemachine00 +6, supanoodle -9, Beaver_bac -9, blockade -8, ITTO24 +6, and 14 more...
Base +6, 正义的味方 +5, John Doe 1 -6, MacFride -6, Wolfragnium +6, chicagotypewriter -7, Mummel -6, m0m0d0a -7, andromeda2010 -7, alicediamond -6, Ghostinthemachine00 +6, jiudaimian -6, supanoodle -9, and 10 more...
Base +6, spuget +7, Alvin2Z +6, MacFride -6, Wolfragnium +6, chicagotypewriter -7, m0m0d0a -7, andromeda2010 -7, Ghostinthemachine00 +6, supanoodle -9, Beaver_bac -9, qwerdssa -8, blockade -8, and 16 more...
Base +11, MacFride -6, Ghostinthemachine00 +6, ecchisama +8, level27 +8, rocketcochon +6, SdKfzzz -7, psycho sheep +6, protonstar +3, Coldfinger +5, GNidhogg +5, cm861021572 +6, AnswerIsAlwayMiata +7
Posted on 27 June 2017, 18:22 by:
Feii Score
Base +6, MacFride -6, Wolfragnium +6, chicagotypewriter -7, Mummel -6, andromeda2010 -7, alicediamond +6, Ghostinthemachine00 +6, oniofthesky +7, supanoodle -9, Beaver_bac -9, qwerdssa -8, blockade -8, and 9 more...
Base +6, jplshejeser +19, alicediamond +6, Ghostinthemachine00 -6, andromeda2010 +7, supanoodle +9, Beaver_bac +9, VladimirUrsinovich +14, Unyltyan -6, Garethan +7, level27 -8, SdKfzzz +7, lloydx22 +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 27 June 2017, 19:07 by:
M0M0E Score
Base +7, andromeda2010 -7, alicediamond +6, Ghostinthemachine00 +6, Ascended15 +3, Cypher1221 -7, Garethan -7, freakyshotafreak -6, level27 +8, ariefs83 -9, SdKfzzz -7, brotherdudejack -3, blockade -8, and 8 more...
Base +6, alicediamond +6, Ghostinthemachine00 +6, hoho1993 +6, Unyltyan -6, sirtan +6, level27 -8, SdKfzzz -7, GogoBogo +5, AnswerIsAlwayMiata +7
Base +8, andromeda2010 -7, oniofthesky +7, supanoodle -9, Beaver_bac -9, blockade -8, Cypher1221 -7, ecchisama -8, Garethan -7, level27 +8, evasangria123 -6, SdKfzzz -7, brotherdudejack -3, and 6 more...
Posted on 27 June 2017, 19:59 by:
Dooderz Score
Base +8, hoho1993 +6, ITTO24 -6, Garethan -7, level27 +8, rocketcochon +6, SdKfzzz -7, WetLoli +7
Posted on 27 June 2017, 20:01 by:
ast4 Score
Base +6, andromeda2010 +7, Ianagiaiz3 +6, Beaver_bac +9, VladimirUrsinovich +14, Ansel +7, Unyltyan -6, Cypher1221 +7, BattleJesus +6, lady jyajya +6, Garethan +7, freakyshotafreak +6, Guerilla Mask +7, and 9 more...
Posted on 27 June 2017, 22:36 by:
Hdkni9 Score
Base +6, oniofthesky +7, bilba +7, Beaver_bac -9, shoopdawhooop +5, SdKfzzz -7
Posted on 27 June 2017, 23:02 by:
Lowsir Score
Base +6, LMAC +7, level27 -8, SdKfzzz -7, GogoBogo -5, Molester1337 -5, 崇尚GTA_sa +6, The_King_in_Yellow -3
Posted on 28 June 2017, 01:08 by:
好好学习123 Score
Base +1, supanoodle +9, jerry101203 +4, zxc198195917 -3, dsnaehwjkq21hg -6, The_King_in_Yellow +3, UniversaMaster -6
Base +2, Beaver_bac +9, NiceSPDR -6, Garethan +7, level27 -8, Molester1337 -5, Torld +6, UniversaMaster +6
Base +3, qxbz +5, level27 +8, 崇尚GTA_sa -6, The_King_in_Yellow +3, UniversaMaster -6, dd65699 -4
Base +16, NiceSPDR -6, andromeda2010 +7, Unyltyan -6, Cypher1221 +7, level27 -8, chicagotypewriter +7, blockade +8, f1r3d0g -7, dsnaehwjkq21hg -6, GogoBogo +5, lloydx22 +6
Posted on 28 June 2017, 12:12 by:
LQJ Score
Base +6, UniversaMaster -6
Posted on 28 June 2017, 18:11 by:
Rezonne Score
Base +7, Cypher1221 -7, Garethan -7, level27 +8, ariefs83 -9, SdKfzzz -7, chicagotypewriter -7, dsnaehwjkq21hg +6, Zeke00 -6, GogoBogo -5, Molester1337 -5, ak10027k -6, lloydx22 -6, and 3 more...
Posted on 28 June 2017, 19:08 by:
@43883 Score
Base +35, Cypher1221 +7, sirtan +6, Garethan +7, breakshadow +6, SdKfzzz +7, blockade +8, Anontalkwarrior +6, Kekrom +5, caveman84 +6
Base +16, Cypher1221 +7, breakshadow +6, level27 -8, blockade +8
Base +2, Torld -6, The_King_in_Yellow -3, UniversaMaster -6
Base +4, SdKfzzz -7, Zeke00 -6, Molester1337 -5, musterm4x -22, caveman84 -6, 921770760 -30, The_King_in_Yellow -3
Posted on 03 July 2017, 12:51 by:
popkakun Score
Base +7, GogoBogo -5, Molester1337 +5, Epic_Cockatoo -4, musterm4x -22, caveman84 -6, AnswerIsAlwayMiata -7, The_King_in_Yellow -3, nonotan -30
Base +3, GogoBogo +5, UniversaMaster +6
Posted on 19 July 2017, 10:16 by:
wsyuuu Score
Base +4, blockade -8, ddd111 -6, Zeke00 -6, GogoBogo -5, 71573415 +4, M@ples -6, 524615361 -6, 崇尚GTA_sa -6, Anontalkwarrior -6, realusivy -6, nongyeyimian -6, musterm4x -22, and 6 more...
Posted on 23 July 2017, 10:23 by:
VIP12 Score
Base +4, blockade -8, Zeke00 -6, GogoBogo -5, 71573415 +4, musterm4x -22, Torld -6, 崇尚GTA_sa -6, neiyou -1, The_King_in_Yellow -3, UniversaMaster -6, pannainai -5, WALL HUNter -4
Base +5, lannimei +6, UniversaMaster -6, WALL HUNter +4
Posted on 20 September 2017, 16:36 by:
欧拉欧拉 Score
Base +5, Angel union -6, shenjituijin +6, 921770760 +36, UniversaMaster -6, liutong666 +6, pannainai +5, WALL HUNter +4
Posted on 02 October 2017, 03:43 by:
bhodorbox Score
Base +6, Anontalkwarrior +6, UniversaMaster +6
Posted on 21 November 2018, 14:27 by:
阿卿ASD Score
Base +5, UniversaMaster -6, liutong666 -6, WALL HUNter +4