Base +7, Miriah +7, IPWNJOO246 +7, animeee +6, jfragrettel +8
Base +6, dobuch +7, jfragrettel +8, akunoko -28, Hyoros -14, Dorseen +7
Base +6, dq01 +6, jfragrettel +8, ShowMehYaMoves +6
Base +7, shuntensatsu +14, dq01 +6, IPWNJOO246 -7, Ooe Kintarou +11, errata +6, Kinights +19, dobuch +7, leoshowers +6, darklord1235 +8, josh1002 +6, Undeadcynic97 +8, HamburgerHelper +7, and 11 more...
Posted on 04 July 2017, 18:55 by:
neet101 Score
Base +8, errata +6, dobuch +7, Czelencz +2, darklord1235 +8, sam48146 +10, Rirfen +6, fiestyferret +2, jfragrettel +8, aubrie paterson +6, anonymas +7, Hyoros +14, That One Other Guy +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, dobuch +7, sam48146 +10, ReZero +6, HamburgerHelper +7, jfragrettel +8, Descendant_DarK +6, aubrie paterson +6, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33, That One Other Guy +6, Cemanon +5
Base +7, jfragrettel +8, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +15, fiestyferret +2, HamburgerHelper +7, jfragrettel +8, aubrie paterson +6, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33, lightningbarer +8, That One Other Guy +6, Cemanon +5
Posted on 11 January 2021, 06:55 by:
cautrash Score
Base +2, MelmothTheWanderer +33