Art and Story by: あまさひかえ / Amasa Hikae Pixiv Artist: Pixiv Page: Translation by: me
My description (cause original artwork didn't have one, neither on pixiv or the artist's own website): If you happen to pop an erection in this store, the lovely ladies behind the counter have a service to help you with that, so you can finally make your god damn order already!
Translator notes: Is plentifully a word? If it is, it stays, no matter how horrible it sounds! :P
Update 1: Grammar and stuff fixed with the help of KazeSprit and theamdrag, thank you :)
Could definitely use a proofreader for grammar. A couple things, that are easier to point out: "Erected" is only a verb for things such as "they erected a building". When used as an adjective, such as "erect penis", it's always just "erect". You seem to be overgenerous with your usage of commas. As an example, the second sentence of image 2 doesn't require a comma.
Aside from grammar, seems like a pretty decent translation =)
Base +5, Feladrance +6, Mindblighter +7, type_hentai -6, jfragrettel +8
yea, I'm just using google and peropero while trying to translate. and I blame the comma's on reading too much about the oxford comma (I probably misused it here anyway :P).
I have updated the gallery. I think I removed most of the unnecessary commas and other grammatical errors I caught.