@moncho5489 @Amalthea Did someone say translation? Well, here you go! It is of course free for anyone to use by the way.
I thought this one was pretty touching, so I quickly translated it. Translating for me is a fairly unique process because I grew up speaking both languages, so when I'm reading/writing/listening/conversing in one language, that's also the language in which I'm thinking. Anyway, the boxed lines represent his inner thoughts whereas the non-bubbled and non-boxed ones represent hers. I also added two translation notes (one for page 3 and one for page 11).
父さん達明日お隣さんと温泉旅行に行ってくるから We're going on a hotsprings trip with the neighbor's tomorrow 家の掃除とハムの事頼んだぞ so I'm leaving the house cleaning and Ham* to you ただいまー I'm home~ ・・・って俺しかいないか ...though it's only me, huh? 晩飯何しよ What to do for dinner? 今日平日だけど Though today's a weekday, 千夏ちゃんも行ってんのかな・・・ I wonder if Chinatsu-chan went too... *Ham is the dog's name
十年前隣に引っ越してきた清水さんちの千夏ちゃん Chinatsu from the Isao family who moved in next door ten years ago 清水と申します We're the Isao family ほら千夏挨拶しなさい Come on, Chinatsu, greet them 千夏ってば Hey, Chinatsu 恥ずかしいんだろ She's surely embarrassed まぁあがってお茶でもどうぞ Well, come in and have some tea ほれお前も挨拶せぇ Hey, you greet them too ・・・ども 'Sup 千夏ちゃんはとても人見知りで Chinatsu-chan was very shy 最初の数か月はほとんど会話がなかった and we didn't talk much for the first several months
はい Here あちー So hot 隣に引越しから半年千夏ちゃんは毎日遊びにくるようになった Half a year since the move, it came to be that Chinatsu-chan would come over to play every day 1年後 After 1 year おにーちゃんッ Oniichan! 3年後 After 3 years ・・・ただ ...It's just that 兄ちゃんッ Niichan! 5年後 After 5 years ここ最近は前ほど会う機会もなくなり・・・ our chances to meet are fewer than before... にぃちゃん Niichan
少し疎遠になっていた・・・ We've become a little estranged... おかえり Welcome home ・・・と思う ...I think えっと Uh... 千夏ちゃん温泉旅行じゃなかったの Weren't you going on the hotsprings trip? 行ったのはお母さんだけ Only my mother went 私は留守番 I'm house-sitting 普通に学校だし and I still have school
そう・・・なんだ I... see にぃちゃんも留守番なら一緒にご飯食べようと思って If Niichan is also house-sitting then I figured we should eat dinner together 千夏ちゃんと2人きり・・・ Alone with Chinatsu-chan... 嫌だった? You don't want to? い 嫌じゃないッ Th-That's not it! ほんと? Really? 嫌じゃないけど That's not it, but... すごい助かる・・・ You're a big help... そっか I see
ん? Hm? いや Nothing 最近の千夏ちゃんは Chinatsu-chan lately is ねぇねぇ見て Hey, hey, look 胸大きくなったでしょ My chest has gotten bigger, right? やっぱり少し after all, a bit 接し方に困る hard to deal with ほら See?
千夏ちゃんはに、三年の間に変わった Chinatsu-chan has changed in the span of 2 or 3 years 妙に大人っぽくなったというか Like she's strangely become adult-like 色っぽくなって・・・ or just erotic... そんな千夏ちゃんを少し避けていた I was slightly avoiding such a Chinatsu-chan
いた・・・だきます Thanks... for the food いただきます Let's eat
ヤバイ・・・ Not good... どうしたの? What's the matter? いや・・・ No... 別に・・・ It's nothing にぃちゃん Niichan ・・・へッ ...Ugh! おいしい? Is it tasty? うッ うん Ye-Yeah 足が・・・ My foot is... 今日の料理ね Today's cooking, you see, 全部精がつく材料なんだよ is all energy-giving* ingredients へぇ・・・そう・・・なんだ Oh... I... see *can also be taken as invigorating sexual energy which is how she probably meant it but he didn't take it that way despite his body's response
久しぶりだね二人きりになるの It's been a while since it's been just the two of us にぃちゃん・・・ Niichan... 彼女出来た? Did you get a girlfriend? いや出来てないけど・・・ No I haven't 最近遊んでくれないの Lately you don't play with me 彼女できたのかと思った I thought it's because you got a girlfriend 彼女無し・・・ No girlfriend... 千夏ちゃんは・・・どうなの? Chinatsu-chan... what about you?
気になる? Are you curious? そら千夏ちゃん綺麗になったし Well, you've become beautiful にいちゃん Niichan 元々・・・可愛いし・・・ And you were already... cute... 胸だって・・・ Even your chest... 大きく・・・ big... 最後のひと押 し The final push 気になる? Are you curious?
気になるなら見てみる? If you're curious, then will you look? にいちゃん・・・ Niichan... 私の胸・・・ My chest... 結構エッチでしょ is pretty lewd にいちゃん・・・ Niichan... これでダメなら If this is no good, then 良かった・・・私の胸気に入ったみたい Thank goodness... It seems he likes my chest
にーちゃんはあかちゃんね Niichan is the baby はいっミルクのじかん Here, it's time for milk えー嫌だよ Huh? No way みるくやってっ Drink your milk! いやー Nope~ プスー Pout 思い切って良かった Good thing I was resolved んふッ Mm! 赤ちゃんみたいに乳首吸ってる・・・ You're sucking my nipple like a baby... んッ Mm! ふぅー Ah~
しよ? Let's do it ・・・でも ...But アレ・・・ないし・・・ We don't have... that... 大丈夫だよ It's okay ・・・あッ ...Ah 今日の為に For today 濡れてる・・・ She's wet... コンドームなら・・・あるから I have one... a condom エッチできるよ We can have sex
付けるね I'll put it on ・・・あッ ...Ah いろいろ出来るように・・・ To be able to do various things... んッ Mm! ・・・ん ...Mm
早くにいちゃんと I want to hurry up and do it したい with Niichan 千夏ちゃん・・・ Chinatsu-chan... 入れるね I'll put it in 今日エッチすれば・・・ If I can do it with him today...
んうッ Ah! 千夏ちゃんだいじょ・・・ Chinatsu-chan, are you... んッ Mm! ん Mm っはぁ Haa はぁあ・・・ Haaa...
んッ Mm 千夏ッちゃん Chinatsu... chan! 好きに動いで・・・良いからね? You can move as you like... okay? 千夏ちゃんが腰を動かしてっ・・・ As Chinatsu-chan moved her hips... んふッ Ugh! きゃッ Ah! んあッ Ah! ッあ Ah! あッ AH!
明日薬局いこ Let's go to the pharmacy tomorrow これでまた・・・ With this, again... えッ・・・ Eh...?! 一個しかなかったから Because I only had one ・・・あぁ ...Yeah それにもうすぐ夏休みだし And it's almost summer vacation
また前みたいに just like before あそば let's play
Last edited on 28 August 2017, 06:30.
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