Posted on 30 August 2017, 20:09 by:
Concelor Posted on 31 August 2017, 02:54 by:
tdub10 Score
Base +7, pooppundae +5, KatamariTroller +2, Calicko +6, cg3985 +6, heeb -6, kingzigzag +7, LemonKick +6, 1776XKCD +6, user777 +7, Bane13 -30, rollin60 -6, pollaco +11, and 6 more...
Posted on 31 August 2017, 13:40 by:
Mazaroth Score
Base +6, Calicko +6, user777 +7, heeb -6, Bane13 -30, LemonKick +6, rollin60 -6, vocabulary -6, 34se -7, One Eyed Mercenary +5, Kuro Neko -30, toc14 -8
Last edited on 31 August 2017, 15:26.
Base +6, Calicko +6, LemonKick -6, vocabulary -6, shinedota +7
Posted on 31 August 2017, 18:51 by:
poep Score
Base +16, Calicko +6, rollin60 +6, vocabulary -6, shinedota +7, abrickhouse +5, Godzilla_2000 +6
Base +6, user777 +7, vocabulary -6, shinedota +7, Qwerty Bam +6, abrickhouse +5, Kuro Neko -30, Godzilla_2000 +6
Base +8, LemonKick -6, Comrade Claus +7, Calicko -6, rollin60 +6, onikage +8, user777 +7, Limited -8, BBC3P0 +4, shinedota +7, nowittycomment +12, abrickhouse +5, toc14 +8, and 3 more...
Base +6, shinedota -7, One Eyed Mercenary -5, DKblitz -6, Bane13 +42, nowittycomment +12, abrickhouse +5, undefinedghost +7, RaizelX -7, toc14 +8, Neriman +6, mikecoatl -6, pindusa +6
Posted on 28 June 2018, 11:03 by:
Jiltist Score
Base +8, tonyxxx +7
Posted on 16 May 2020, 14:39 by:
pureyang Score
Base +23