I'll be uploading the Yakiniku Teishoku djs tomorrow, I might postpone the Crazy9/Karaage Obuzaiya a few weeks mainly because there are a few djs that arrived today and I'd like to upload them asap.
Note: I'm looking for people who can align and crop scanned pages. Right now I have a mountain of djs and I don't see myself ever finishing it all by myself. It's easy but it takes some time to do. My collection Include QQaid, Boro ZS, MicroMacro, Crazy9, Enio, Black Maria, YukiSora, Kuroquis, ALT, Karaage Obuzaiya, Killer Bambi, K2Company, URO, and Pureslider. So if you wish to see the work of these artists, helping me is one way to achieve that.