1. Ah, Star Wars: The Old Republic (MMO)... Superlative storytelling, the game-story really got you (the Player) invested in the Class' Stories, making the Player FEEL involved, putting the Player in the game's storytelling-spotlight; unlike WoW where the Players are merely the faceless audience to the Khadgar & Illidan Show ;( . Even the Companions' storylines were engaging, especially at how many of them were interconnected with each other, if you played through each of eight (8) Class' Stories.
UN-fortunately, SW:TOR's gameplay itself was poorly designed (it tried too hard to be "WoW in space"), overrun with gold-spammers (which the devs apparently could not figure out how to silence), lacked end-game content, and severely hampered itself by only having small-scale PvP (the devs seemed to have forgotten that large-scale battles were a big part of the Star Wars themes). Worst of all, they spread the player population out too thinly without any cross-server function, making it extremely difficult to find or put together groups/raids, resulting in "ghost town" servers.
I do not regret my time in playing SW:TOR, but once I was done with all the Class' Stories, I was effectively done with the game. Anything afterwards was just lingering and lackluster. :(
2. All that being said, this gallery does crack me up :D . While I figured there would be Internet Rule #34 content on the fan-popular ones, such as the psychopathic-sensual (Dark Side) Jaesa Wilsaam, the flirtatious Kira Carsen, or even the mass-murderingly insane Vaylin; but I honestly never conceived there would be hentai of the austere Lana Beniko or the pure-souled Nadia Grell ;) .