Posted on 16 September 2017, 10:51 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6, LusterMilk -4, oneiwonder +7, Sael +7, Nonamewalker +6, SpaceCamel +6, davestal +12, Hakrei +23, rockingoldensamurai +6, rotar zairo +10, MetalGarv +14, abrickhouse +4, nodire +6, and 101 more...
Posted on 16 September 2017, 11:44 by:
Resha Score
Base +16, rockingoldensamurai +6, abrickhouse +4, nowittycomment +12, war15 +8, The Blue Wizard +6, darklord1235 +8, Enki17 +10, Gentleman Chimera +6, Caffeinated +6, The Equalist +4, the missing link +9, salimguy +6, and 72 more...
Base +6, kidravage +6, Nereid8 +9, salimguy +6, Jack_Noir +5, Zaesha +17, daicalun07 +6, jfragrettel +8, Oneof8000men +8, SirFatCat +6, Draw99Gray +16, breanyman +6, InfernoGod +7, and 16 more...
Base +6, omegachavez +5, mrappleman +7, emmanuelman +6, iceman77 +6, The Naughty Shrink +6, jfragrettel +8, DarkTirano +6, SirFatCat +6, breanyman +6, InfernoGod +7, PoisonThrone +7, as102 +10, and 6 more...
Posted on 17 September 2017, 07:39 by:
jolog Score
Base +8, jfragrettel +8, DarkTirano +6, breanyman +6, Akabane_Kun +6, MadMilkPT +7, Bedbin +14, Azura Meta +6
Base +6, ghost is bed -6, jessica702 +10, meshtigal +6
Base +8, Maxer123 +6, shinnt +18, Azura Meta +6
Base +6, mt ohara +8, CraftyCat3 +5, crazyinsaneanimefan +6
Posted on 05 October 2017, 23:16 by:
Forgunia Score
Base +2, mt ohara +8, Evangelite +5, Grids +6, oakwhelie +5, kemono69 +10, CraftyCat3 +5, crazyinsaneanimefan +6, Remeark +6
Posted on 31 October 2019, 15:53 by:
filipson Score
Base +7, CraftyCat3 +5