This is one of the best Gensokyo chronicle story I've ever read.
Especially the fact that Mokou is the actual Morimoto no Yoshitsune. I wonder where her sword was though? Probably broke after she stabbed Kaguya with it, lmao.
why does yuyuko's origin feel like it was just thrown in there?
Base +8, Sanest-J9 +5
Posted on 26 September 2017, 19:28 by: RangerzRulez
Score +6
@drillbit, Saigyou, the monk, was the same monk who died beneath the youkai tree Yuyuko tried to revive. He's also fainted connected to Mokou in terms of family blood, which makes Yuyuko and her distant relatives (assuming Saigyou is Yuyuko's father).