Posted on 21 December 2011, 19:49 by:
Raou Score
Base +7, Moe Zayik +26, deras_bgt +10, liberius +8, Slobber +29, Mr.Scorpius +7, Rapossu +9, S0B +14, Kiranta +8, domomo +9, PureScum +6, distels +10, Epherion +7, and 9 more...
Base +5, grunkx +6, Moe Zayik +26, deras_bgt +10, liberius +8, Slobber +29, rubyhiro +6, Mr.Scorpius +7, S0B +14, Kiranta +8, woot5 +8, Sephrenia +6, rockingoldensamurai +5, and 4 more...
Base +6, Smuthunter +6, muffinfucker +8, liberius +6, itsukikoi +11, swordpaladin +9, GGS +10, allenwalker39 +6