Is this even legal? Even if it is, this is still crossing a line. It's one thing to write a fictional rape fantasy, but bringing real people into such a creation is unsettling.
This is, I'm not sure where to start. Okay, so it's not horrible, but I think that's kinda bad thing in some regards. The models are just realistic enough to smash into the uncanny valley like an orbital strike. If it were more cartoonish, the facial posing wouldn't stand out. Same if it was a bit more realistic. I noticed more than a little clipping, maybe it's a limitation of the models, but it's still worth pointing out. Last gripe I have is more of the set in general. I'm seeing a lot of pages that are more or less just the same pose with minute details changed (some I can't tell any difference in, aside from the "camera" angle) That happens even in most high end 3d sets, so perhaps that's just my personal taste. Now, overall, I'd say its competent, the models get the job done, and most of the negatives aren't overwhelming.
All female Poser models *do* have textures available that give them actual nipples, rather than bumps on their breasts. Also, you should consider experimenting with moving and changing the lights; the lighting on the characters is fairly flat. I'd also suggest playing around with what magnets (and morphing, if your version of Poser supports it) can do with clothing.