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Penis Awe #5: Extra Small

Image Set
Posted:2017-09-29 23:43
File Size:2.59 MiB
Length:8 pages
Favorited:91 times
Average: 3.78

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 images

Posted on 29 September 2017, 23:43
Uploader Comment
Girls reacting to suddenly seeing a small penis. This one's a lot more on the humiliation side of things. I'll try to update as I find more pictures.

#1: "Men Flashing Women" /g/1121947/fa9040a835/
#2: "Touching It" /g/1121962/571bc09f89/
#3: "Cumming" /g/1121964/002df3d619/
#4: "All Male Edition" /g/1121968/15ce22e8c4/
#6: "Extra Young" /g/1121990/449bdec41d/
Posted on 25 October 2017, 07:59 by:   berb    PM
Score +18
Source for image #2? Is that an actual scene from an ero anime, or is it an edit? Or an eroge that just looks like anime?
Posted on 19 November 2017, 08:42 by:   chibimoon_boy    PM
Score +24
we need more of this here, why isnt there a small penis tag?
Posted on 22 November 2017, 11:55 by:   veetoo    PM
Score +6
Some of these penises don't really belong in the "Extra small" category now do they.

No.3 looks to be average (although its a rather large head for a flaccid penis)

No.4 Admittedly it does look a bit like a baby dick, but its really not that out of proportion with his body, also it's about the same size as her thumb and she has pretty big hands for a girl. He is completlely flaccid too, it could get a lot bigger which is why i don't understand the look on her face, try touching it before you start judging him girl!

No.5 How is that extra small? Or even small? Thats a decent size for a penis that looks like it's just starting to get aroused. Also she probably thinks its cute rather than small because its "wrapped in skin" as they normally say for people who have a bit more skin than others in doujin.

No.6 the guys got some decent girth and what looks to be about average length for an erecet penis. I don't see any of those girls laughing, quite the opposite, they seem to like what they see.

No.7 is just a a complete chode lol (can't really defend that one, although he's got some decent girth aha)

Now don't get me wrong i'm into the whole small penis embarassment fetish, but if the penis actually falls in line with the averages or it does not look small compared to the body its attached to then you're just making what are potentially normal sized people feel bad about their dick. put a bit more effort into appropriate images gallery names like this in future please.

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