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Posted:2017-10-10 02:41
File Size:57.99 MiB
Length:102 pages
Favorited:49 times
Average: 4.15

Showing 1 - 40 of 102 images

Posted on 05 September 2018, 02:00 by:   laststand    PM
Score +13
name: Hypnosis Cafeteria Mobius.

ps: where's the rest of the CGIs? this is only the last part of it.

anyone want to know what is going on here, download the game and play, it's free, and it's quite good too.
Posted on 06 September 2018, 01:17 by:   araradude    PM
Score +6
Played it back around release, like it overall but was disappointed there were so little scenes with the other two waitresses...
Posted on 06 September 2018, 03:52 by:   laststand    PM
Score +6
yea, also there's still the hidden girl, seems like Kamen Writer just rushed the project to favor his other ideas

I still have my list of bugs in the game that I haven't submit to him yet =)), he's a bit too shy to English that I find myself hard to support him, sadly.
Posted on 06 September 2018, 08:07 by:   uareader    PM
Score +26
Seems promising.I wish somebody would post the complete version (obvious gap between 97 and 98, and maybe there are many other interesting things missing at this point where there are only 102 images).
Posted on 06 September 2018, 15:22 by:   laststand    PM
Score +6
well, apparently I can, but I really don't know the upload system in this site, and I really really don't want to anger this toxic community, so many people pulling the string in the shadow. If it's possible, I can share the files so that other people can upload

ps: about the gaps, well. it can't be help, the transition is the part told by playing the game (2D RPG game), we could screenshot every scenes but it's a hassle, and it's Japanese anyway, so playing the game while using injected translator would be the best way to do. I can provide instructions.
Posted on 07 September 2018, 13:32 by:   UberNimrod    PM
Score +6

Please provide instructions, including where to find the game in question. This looks interesting, but I would need a translator to even begin to play.
Posted on 07 September 2018, 17:30 by:   laststand    PM
Score +6
no probl mate,
first you need to download the game from here:, it's the axfc link => the first box is Password, write: bsmh, second box is capcha, write the words in the picture in, click the zip button below => click "Click here to start download" => if download still not working, click the blue こちら link
CAUTION: remember to unzip/unrar using the right font format otherwise the game will break (use winrar to open the file and change font option to UTF-8 before unwrapping, you can check by exploring the files, if all of the Japanese named files are japanese then it's ok)

second, you have to download and install runtime package for RPG Maker, the first link is good enough:

third, now you need to "crack" the game.
Nah, don't worry, it's just to hook game's scripts and put them inside your clipboard. Use this hack:, there's a readme file, just follow the instruction and patch the game.

fourth, you MIGHT need Translation Aggregator, which was supposed to translate the clipboarded words using translating engine request. Sadly, it was blocked recently by most of the best translator like Google and Baidu, However, you can still use it to translate Katakana to Hiragana and vice versa using its Japanese window, it will help you a lot since Kamen Writer and many of his fellow authors tend to use Katakana to represent "robotic" or "highly entranced" vibe, sometimes even swap Kata and Hira altogether. The link is here:

lastly, use any visual novel reader program you like, my choice is Visualnovelreader from otome, if you right click on its small icon on taskbar then choose "translating window"? (or something, sorry I don't remember the name), it will prompt a small window that will translate any clipboarded text.

=> After everything is done, congratulation, you can enjoy the game.
one more note, it would be better if you run the game as well as Translation Aggregator with Japanese Locale, I believe there's a small program to help you that made by microsoft, just search the net

as a bonus, there's another 2 games from Kamen Writer, one is TrapTown :, Pass the same as above,
another is karina the thief: These are unfinished and are scheduled to be continued on CGI-manga format as he said game making took so much time from him.

If you follow the twitter, there's bunch of manga he created, those can be OCR easily by copyfish extension on Chrome.

Also, if anyone want to get the CGI, just go to the folder www/img/pictures from every game, all are stored there.

here's the CGI from Trap Town that was uploaded before:

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