Barbarella, THE classic French comic that inspired the Barbarella movie. It's right up there with Axa, and Omaha the Cat Dancer. I hope the English language version of this gets posted. (puts on a Duran Duran record and waits.)
I didn't know that it was originally French. Jane Fonda sparked my love of fucking machines and sybians. That said, we've come a long way since the 60s.
English version IS posted (albeit a version with hideously oversaturated colors)--just search the Jean-Claude Forest tag.
But I'm glad to see the original French version get some play--thanks!! Decades ago, before digital anything and before Heavy Metal translated "The Moon Child", I honked out a RIDICULOUS amount of money for a big hardcover English edition of this book. (NOTE: the English version of "Wrath of the Minute-Eater" is currently making the rounds in the comic-book DL sites.)