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[Neocoill] Kat & Fans

Posted:2017-10-23 06:00
File Size:6.10 MiB
Length:40 pages
Favorited:369 times
Average: 4.46

Showing 1 - 40 of 40 images

Posted on 23 October 2017, 12:30 by:   John Tank    PM
Score +30
I generally like pictures with variants. It's a good way to ensure that everybody's happy, no matter their fetishes, turn-ons or turn-offs. It also lets people tell a simple "story" (or more like "indicate a progression of events" without having to draw a dozen different images. And when we're talking about artwork this beautiful, that definitely required many hours, probably days of work, it's understandable that you'd like to make everybody in the audience happy. Variants are a fine thing.
...But what if you have literally 40 different variants on the exact same picture? Is that too much? That's more pages of a single picture than entire comics have.
I feel like 'multiple variations' like this should have its own tag in misc.
I know that feeling of disappointment I get when I search for a fetish I like, see a good-looking cover of a comic that's 84 pages long only to find out that that it's actually just four (dialogue-mute ; tanlines-pale) variants of the same comic. I can only imagine the light of hope dying in somebody's eyes as they find out that this beautiful gallery they found only contains about 1/40th of the content they expected.
On a side note, I hope that the artist of this picture had a macro for exporting dozens of different picture from one file, because I get chills of terror at the thought of sitting there for half an hour repeatedly clicking [disable layer] [export] [save] and then noticing "oh way, I forgot to color her hairband. Oh well, back we go.
Posted on 23 October 2017, 17:07 by:   Lord Dashwood    PM
Score +3
Oh, yay, another one of those "single picture with changes" files. Joy.

And before anyone mentions the reams of Japanese artists who do that, I hate those, too.

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