I like how this, despite being an objectively well-done (if short) comic, has a lower rating than a lot of toddlercon galleries. Either people REALLY don't like the sloppy translation job, or it says something about how e-hentai members feel about homosexuality. Hmmmmmm...
Base +4, nopenosorry +6, manon -6, tracingthelines +7, Braka -7, korki +6, powerplayer +7, henshinj +6, NIGGANIGGANIGGA2.0 +6, Tails the Fox -5
Maybe instead of pushing your agenda on a site where tons of yuri galleries get good ratings, you look at the freaking images and realize this is a crap scanning job, literally just setting the book open on a cheap scanner and scanning each page, and then not even taking the time to crop out the other page...
Base +6, korki -6, nekoguy4444 -11, SakuraJizz -3, NIGGANIGGANIGGA2.0 +6, Tails the Fox +5, LiliaTheSuccubus +2, Hatsvasi -6
@ohmanwhatsthis It's a shit scan job, you can see that the scanner didn't even take the time to properly align the book to the scanner in half of the pages with the most egregious example being page 5. It's such a bad job that one of the word bubbles was rendered completely unreadable, look at the lower right panel of page one. The clean up on this scan is practically nonexistant, I get that whoever uploaded it is a good Samaritan or whatever to share it with the rest of us but he didn't want to destroy the binding to give us a proper scan of each page and as a result you get these halfassed images. Get the fuck over yourself dude.
I don't mind the scan when it's at a decent resolution like this, but the decensoring is horrible. Would be better if they just left the censorlines in like the first Training Time.