translator: Quilloasa proofreading: me editor: gansta raw: /g/16603/969708e73b/ (share by Zenmetsu Saseru , scanner ?)
Red's rant: Here's another blast from the past. I expect FMP to get more attention when new content starts airing next year. Also, I don't understand why some scanners censor author's contact info - after all, the authors want(ed) to invite contact, otherwise they'd not be putting their emails etc. in the book. And how idiotic it is to censor a webpage. Sigh. (That link from the book has expired anyway, and is of only historical interest, for their current Twitter/pxivi etc. check the credit page of their C92 release for example here, which incidentally is also a FMP story: /mpv/1126851/ce7ef217ce/#page25
For the KG story, it's Eclaire and Eclaire/Alv. Not sure if this qualifies as selfcest or gets some other weird tag.
E-hentai tip of the gallery:
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We are always recruiting editors, translators and proofreaders for EHCOVE. If you are interested, come by the Cove of Translators in the forums and introduce yourself.
Good to see it back after nine years. Almost sure Zen scanned it back then, yes.
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Base +35, Red of EHCOVE +53, gansta +31, jfragrettel +8