Posted on 24 December 2017, 20:20 by:
Blorg Base +17, stabbybelkar +7, Kairo Fujima +7, unknownshadows +4, Martand +6, Jago Smith +6, Soul Reaper 94 +6, Gentleman Chimera +4, Qneng +6, ariel_231 +6, u7zorot +6, Joe_Schmo +6, lapsang2 +6, and 7 more...
Base +7, sukadaic +11, stabbybelkar +7, Junkie 2002 +6, NomNom99 +4, Jokun +7, Kurono Kiel +9, bunnygunny +5, sethnevermore +1, Gentleman Chimera +3, unknownshadows +4, Premiumcream +1, Jago Smith +6, and 116 more...
Posted on 20 February 2016, 09:14 by:
1bts Score
Base +8, stabbybelkar +7, PacificaHime +13, Sangera +7, Junkie 2002 +6, mohinder +7, 894雀跃 +6, Quantequila +3, Gentleman Chimera +3, Hazeron +6, unknownshadows +4, TG23 +11, Jago Smith +6, and 78 more...
Posted on 20 February 2016, 09:30 by:
love x Score
Base +1, unknownshadows +4, drx66 -6, ExecutorBill +8, 流月飞花 +3
Posted on 21 February 2016, 01:02 by:
restlez Score
Base +6, unknownshadows +4, Scaylid00d +8, floatingbanana +6, Poopfromabutt -6
Posted on 21 February 2016, 04:40 by:
Blorg Score
Base +9, unknownshadows +4, Scaylid00d +8, ukaxsan +12, destructorspace +22, Noirtier +7, strippinheat +9, Alurai +10, Soul Reaper 94 +6, floatingbanana +6, Poopfromabutt -6, invalidwords +8, BlueShinobi +10, and 1 more...
Posted on 21 February 2016, 05:12 by:
Gugasha Score
Base +6, unknownshadows +4, yooged +5, PersonaFan08 +16, Jago Smith +6, ExecutorBill +8, Soul Reaper 94 +6, u7zorot +6, Joe_Schmo +6, Qwerty Bam +6, efb +6, Poopfromabutt +6, invalidwords -8, and 10 more...
Posted on 22 February 2016, 12:19 by:
Jyohan Score
Base +6, yooged +5, ukaxsan +12, Garethan +7, ExecutorBill +8, strippinheat -9, unknownshadows +4, rawrmon +6, Soul Reaper 94 +6, Coaswen -7, Gentleman Chimera +4, floatingbanana +6, u7zorot +6, and 28 more...
Base +9, unknownshadows +4, Soul Reaper 94 +6, Coaswen -7, Gentleman Chimera +4, ExecutorBill +8, Qwerty Bam +6, eastxx +6, efb +6, Poopfromabutt +6, Laeir-Shan +8, Oddball +7
Base +6, unknownshadows +4, Coaswen -7, ExecutorBill +8, floatingbanana +6, Qwerty Bam +6, eastxx +6, TheHoudhini -6, ukaxsan -12, Oddball +7, colrum +6
Posted on 11 May 2016, 04:26 by:
alexan Score
Base +6, unknownshadows +4, Soul Reaper 94 +6, Coaswen -7, ExecutorBill +8, invalidwords +8, heplay +4, Noneofyourbusiness0 -6, PimpyD -1, strippinheat -10
Posted on 11 May 2016, 18:04 by:
Mousse Score
Base +7, ExecutorBill +8, strippinheat -9, unknownshadows +4, lapsang2 -6, Soul Reaper 94 +6, magnus +7, Coaswen -7, Denjiro +11, Drode +8, Qwerty Bam +6, eastxx +6, Gentleman Chimera +4, and 25 more...
Posted on 19 June 2016, 16:40 by:
waj2000 Score
Base +5, Qwerty Bam +6, unknownshadows +4, ramza91 +6
Posted on 19 June 2016, 17:51 by:
FarkyMac Score
Base +5, ramza91 +6, newguy2012a +10, Chauneko -8
Posted on 21 June 2016, 06:43 by:
Ellencia Score
Base +6
Base +1, crab cake +6, ukaxsan +12, Luke78 -10, Qwerty Bam -6, greygelgoog +7, unknownshadows +4, Sandwich17 +6, everdread +6, Chaos Sepher +5, Unyltyan -6, ramza91 +6, kong rong +8, and 22 more...
Posted on 23 June 2016, 02:10 by:
gaibon88 Score
Last edited on 19 July 2016, 05:36.
Base +2, crab cake -6, ExecutorBill +8, Qwerty Bam +6, Gentleman Chimera +4, kong rong -8, efb +6, Luke78 +10, riza D +6, invalidwords -8, Grimrabbit +7, SakaiYuuji97 +8, ukaxsan -12, and 12 more...
Posted on 15 July 2016, 05:12 by:
leanthor Score
Base +6, kong rong -8, efb +6, lapsang2 -6, eastxx +6, invalidwords -8, Grimrabbit +7, ukaxsan -12, jimbo21 +7, roskrad +8, G_Gasher +3, 1qazqaz -6, Enki17 +10
Base +2, invalidwords +8, kilkitton +6, Enki17 +10
Posted on 17 July 2016, 05:50 by:
Vorin 22 Score
Last edited on 23 January 2017, 07:16.
Base +6, efb +6, ExecutorBill +8, Laeir-Shan +8, Grimrabbit +7, Gentleman Chimera +5, sasukesaku18 +7, Fire32 +6, Shupuu +6, Darkestvamp +8
Base +5, eastxx +6, ExecutorBill +8, under18thenitsloli +6, invalidwords +8, Grimrabbit +7, Gentleman Chimera +5, cochrane +14, roskrad +8, Jago Smith +7, Fire32 +6, 1qazqaz +6, frankqiqi +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 22 July 2016, 04:58 by:
jackalo Score
Base +17, lapsang2 -6, eastxx -6, invalidwords +8, ukaxsan +12, sasukesaku18 -7
Posted on 23 July 2016, 06:55 by:
restlez Score
Base +6, eastxx -6, invalidwords +8, ukaxsan +12, sasukesaku18 +7, Chauneko +8
Posted on 22 August 2016, 01:30 by:
Ficfactor Score
Base +9, invalidwords +8, J0J0nnes +3, Grimrabbit +7, newguy2012a +10, Yakooki +6, Gentleman Chimera +5, Oddball -7
Posted on 08 October 2016, 13:48 by:
azrin Score
Base +7, sasukesaku18 -7, sukasak +7, ExecutorBill +8, Enki17 +10
Base +6, Oddball +7, Enki17 +10
Posted on 10 October 2016, 03:21 by:
valiant12 Score
Base +9, ExecutorBill +8, ColonelBorgo -4, Enki17 +10
Base +8, figgzy +1, ExecutorBill +8, 1qazqaz +6, J2DaJ +6, ColonelBorgo -5
Base +2, ExecutorBill -8, ukaxsan +12, Insanity4362 +6, Lobeto +4, Chauneko +8, psolyn +6, ramza91 +6, Oddball -7, theboredotaku +6, Enki17 -10, nasenbein +6, poisonace_ +2
Base +2, figgzy -1, newguy2012a +10, ExecutorBill -8, ukaxsan +12, Insanity4362 +6, hablahablahabla -5, Chauneko +8, psolyn +6, ramza91 +6, Oddball -7, Enki17 -10, nasenbein +6
Posted on 25 November 2016, 23:15 by:
Sigirvol Score
Base +1, figgzy -1, newguy2012a +10, Insanity4362 +6, sasukesaku18 +7, Chauneko +8, Enki17 -10
Posted on 17 December 2016, 06:30 by:
ビンビン Score
Base +2, sasukesaku18 +7, Enki17 +10
Posted on 18 December 2016, 08:32 by:
50u7 Score
Base +4
Posted on 19 December 2016, 05:15 by:
WW2_Man Score
Base +6, figgzy +1, ExecutorBill +9, Enki17 +10
Base +3, AlexanderAkai +6, thinklol +6, Seth_Bloodmoon +7, ladinax +6, AmoraSilver +3, Martand -6, Lobeto +4, Insanity4362 +7, ChargeCharge -6, Chauneko +8, Oddball -7, Enki17 -10, and 1 more...
Base +3, ExecutorBill +9, ChargeCharge -6
Posted on 05 February 2017, 04:30 by:
cd_young Score
Base +6
Posted on 18 March 2017, 16:32 by:
dayim Score
Base +7, sasukesaku18 +7, eastxx -6, Chauneko +8, poisonace_ +2
Base +6, ExecutorBill +9, getalife +8, Chauneko +9, ColonelBorgo -4, ukaxsan +12
Posted on 20 October 2017, 02:30 by:
Hentairo1 Score
Base +6, ExecutorBill +9
Posted on 20 October 2017, 04:53 by:
andruism Score
Base +6, ExecutorBill +9, getalife +8, Enki17 +10
Base +8, Darkestvamp -8, slade745 +7, Parts +6, karboundish +6, tonyxxx +7, ProfWilliam +7, nasenbein +6, Gentleman Chimera +7, Tesxy -30, jjscar -6
Posted on 13 January 2018, 07:29 by:
Xialolita Score
Base +1