I think there's potential here, some of this I found pretty sexy despite myself, but man oh man do you need to work on anatomy. Some of these proportions are just laughable. Taking 7 and 16 as examples: why do these girls (and guys come to think of it) have at least one gigantic thigh literally bigger than their torso? Looking at 31 it's like you gave up halfway; the guy looks like he's being stretched into a black hole off-camera. A lot of this stuff seems traced too, which is ok for practice but don't try to put it off as your own.
Base +7, Roku_Pervert +9, neoshingundam +1, observer1980 +21
Well, during 2017 I was doing this type of work for the first time, and I was improving throughout it, now in 2018 I hope to make things better, but you will see that album in December of the same, or you can follow me on my blog job http://edo-nova-illustrator.blogspot.com.es/