As far as I was able to dig up, this one never had a digital copy, which is why it's so difficult to find anywhere. It's entirely possible that no one's scanned it yet... and that is its own set of problems.
Well I'm certainly not getting them. Shipping from Japan to where I live is stupid expensive... I checked... and even if that were not the case, I can't afford a good enough scanner for this sort of work. So yeeeeah... and I'm sure I'm not the only one with that particular issue... which means that it may be a while before this gets posted, if ever... unless someone can get a truly massive bounty going for them.
you guys aren't missin out on much, just a character page, her establishing image, one other image and the back cover. and a page of text to accompany them if you can read it.
also that last image in the completely different costume isn't in the book