1. Wow, talk about a blast from the past... I remember watching The Tale of Taarna from the Heavy Metal adult-cartoon movie on VHS, waaaay back in my youth and Film Studies.
2. Makes me wonder, though... Is this supposed to be the same, original Taarna of that movie-short? Or, after Taarna sacrificed herself to destroy the Green Orb of Evil (& movie narrator), is this instead the young girl who is revealed to be the new Taarakian (amazon) warrior at the epilogue of the Heavy Metal movie?
To paraphrase an episode of "South Park": "God Bless her, and her Rockin Tits!!" ^_^
Strangely enough, this was probably the first movie I ever saw 'nude' women on, although I had to stay up (or sneak up) LATE at night to watch it when it was on HBO (only one TV in the household, and no VCR [they were EXPENSIVE!) ^_^