Posted on 03 February 2018, 23:05 by:
bggm Posted on 04 February 2018, 00:06 by:
Megaton Score
Base +39, Budd +7, LegendaryT +7, mrwayne +17, hazari_13 +5, Miriah +7, fahmikan +7, Vanguard3125 +6, negixnodoka +5, IncognitoMaud +6, ongokakashi +13, Yeloazn +13, GhostStalker +8, and 14 more...
Base +6, Oblivo -6, glvdtr -22, Deschain +6, Hansuke -7, greenpeace -10, LegendaryT -7, fraid -9, dimensional_rift -6, Miriah -7, Feiht -7, IncognitoMaud -6, yeit -6, and 8 more...
Posted on 04 February 2018, 01:07 by:
archaos Score
Base +8, hazari_13 +5, Arlinath +6, Yeloazn +13, AzureTime +6, Derk36 +11, Iron Clad Granite +6, GutsJoestar +6, PinguPrin +5, jfragrettel +8, swordpaladin +9, butt1234123412341234 +6, fibonaccitpost +7, and 7 more...
Posted on 04 February 2018, 01:14 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +7, Miriah -7, DarkTemplarXIII -4, Ragusauce -9, Und3adgam3r +7, Masterzero -6, flamned -6, ss567 -6, Feiht -7, Reinbach81 -6, IncognitoMaud -6, yeit -6, upsic -7, and 7 more...
Base +20, yung_gai -5, Miriah -7, DarkTemplarXIII -4, higurashi -6, Und3adgam3r +7, Masterzero -6, flamned -6, robertman2 +6, Feiht -7, IncognitoMaud -6, yeit -6, upsic -7, and 9 more...
Base +3, Miriah +7, DarkTemplarXIII +4, bggm +25, Ragusauce +9, higurashi +6, IncognitoMaud +6, Yeloazn +13, Qwerty Bam +6, mattiafr88 +6, Royblackheart +6, =0w0= +7, PinguPrin +5, and 13 more...
Base +7, Yeloazn +13, mattiafr88 +6, jfragrettel +8, Crimson_King -8
Posted on 04 February 2018, 20:37 by:
Marien Score
Last edited on 05 February 2018, 19:58.
Base +21, mattiafr88 +6, higurashi -6, GutsJoestar -6, Dydelhaert +8, liberius +6, ssj4jw -7, jfragrettel +8, Minstrelofmoria -6, GhostStalker -8, thekingofchaos -4, LycraPawn -6, LordEl-MelloiII -4, and 24 more...
Posted on 06 February 2018, 22:15 by:
Gaaira Score
Base +7, Vivi1993 +16, PinguPrin +5, jfragrettel +8, Kiranta +6, soul saber +6, YeetMeMeet +6
Base +6, higurashi +6, kwajalien +11, GhostStalker +8, thekingofchaos +4, LycraPawn +6, zinos6 +8, sengalboy +6, PinguPrin +7, soul saber +6, robertman2 +6, Seviper4 +7, monmon91 -6, and 7 more...
Posted on 27 March 2019, 13:18 by:
hyjinx Score
Base +6, LordEl-MelloiII +5, sengalboy +6, stupid army +7, blarg321 +6, silverballz +6, PinguPrin +7, Crippling Lolicon +6, robertman2 +6, Seviper4 +7, swordpaladin +9, Pillowgirl +25, Vormik +7, and 3 more...