Posted on 10 March 2018, 04:18 by:
nabusco Score
Base +7, Lostalgia +8, DINGDONGDINGDONG +6, pkplat +5, kuroshi-san +9, fahmikan +8, shuntensatsu +14, coleccionista903 +6, Vanguard3125 +6, sgc_geh +9, Guardsman40k +6, cogwheel +6, Deorem +6, and 16 more...
Base +7, shuntensatsu +14, mgran52 +8, Grimz +6, Vanguard3125 +6, sgc_geh +9, Guardsman40k +6, Megaton +39, jfragrettel +8, darklord1235 +8, qwopqwop +11, Zeowing +7, IncognitoMaud +6, and 12 more...
Base +7, jfragrettel +8, Refyrsen +6, TCJJ +9
Posted on 10 March 2018, 07:32 by:
Seabook Score
Base +6, Vanguard3125 +6, sgc_geh -9, jfragrettel -8, shuntensatsu +14, AncientPhoenix -7, DarkCocoon -6, Rbz -6, Tomzai +6, cld_bak -6, TCJJ +9
Base +6, jfragrettel +8, person107 +6
Base +6, Teh_Red_Guy +8, coleccionista903 +6, Deorem +6, jfragrettel +8, shuntensatsu +14, IncognitoMaud +6, Dopeswaggu +4, PinguPrin +5, MechWarriorNY +8
Base +8, person107 +6, PinguPrin +5, Refyrsen +6, MechWarriorNY +8, taimahime +6, Mr.Awesomeness +6
Posted on 11 March 2018, 07:55 by:
ConvexEd Score
Base +6, kikones34 +6, mumei-chan +14, Pillowgirl +21
Posted on 14 March 2018, 06:00 by:
gotl Score
Base +13, PinguPrin +5, MechWarriorNY +8, Teh_Red_Guy +11, player4578 -6