Posted on 15 March 2018, 23:48
Posted on 19 December 2017, 22:11 by:
FieryBox Score
Base +6, bisondollars +6, Anonynmous +6, Maurick +6, darkkiller97 +7, Jstar229 +6, captaindope +6, a4po +6, hjerry +6, bilybakbow +6, yzw1635994342 +1, Rawrgna +6, Estaog +7, and 11 more...
Base +6, omegachavez +5, Anonynmous +6, Maurick +6, randdoggity +7, captaindope +6, a4po +6, yzw1635994342 +1, Rawrgna +6, Estaog +7, NotDiegoBrando +6, ZarisaHime +8, Paff444 +10, and 12 more...
Base +7, bilybakbow +6, Estaog +7, Zeikfried +14, ZarisaHime +8, luis pablo +7, TheK1LL3R +6, Sheras +7, JokesEnd +2, Kreel +6
Posted on 26 December 2017, 01:40 by:
Haborym Score
Base +6, kirbyzero35 +5, Bane13 +42, Rawrgna +6, NotDiegoBrando +6, icontributenothing +10, ZarisaHime +8, Paff444 +10, TheMomSlayer +6, luis pablo +7, CorruptedNerd669 +6, Sheras +7, JokesEnd +2, and 5 more...
Base +6, bilybakbow +6, ZarisaHime +8, TheK1LL3R +6, CorruptedNerd669 +6, JokesEnd +2, Gabygabycandid +6, Solaran -7
Posted on 26 December 2017, 10:06 by:
RyuShoten Score
Base +6, ZarisaHime +8, mimoman +7, TheMomSlayer +6, TheK1LL3R +6, Gabygabycandid +6, coolik +6, fury098 +5, Solaran -7
Base +6, ZarisaHime +8, Gabygabycandid +6, fury098 +5
Base +4, Estaog -7, NotDiegoBrando +6, luis pablo +7, atasitian -6, regtest -6, sp1ral -6, coolik -6, RussianSlowpoke -6, Solaran -7
Base +5, Estaog +7, sp1ral +6
Posted on 08 January 2018, 23:20 by:
carter14 Score
Base +4, Estaog +7, ZarisaHime -8, Ilosia -12, Paff444 -10, mimoman -7, TheLaughingOne -5, Nausea -7, CorruptedNerd669 -6, Ayasesama -7, jmasterchain +9, Yanguskun -6, atasitian -6, and 2 more...
Posted on 24 February 2018, 15:22 by:
Haborym Score
Base +6, CorruptedNerd669 -6, mimoman +7, Yanguskun +6, Kreel +6, Solaran -7
Base +11, CorruptedNerd669 +6, Solaran -7
Posted on 24 February 2018, 21:29 by:
plagze Score
Base +6, CorruptedNerd669 +6, mimoman +7, Solaran +7
Base +3, amurec80 +6, mimoman +7, coolik +6
Posted on 13 March 2018, 19:39 by:
nameress Score
Base +6, Gabygabycandid +6, Floripes +32, Kreel +6, Solaran -7
Posted on 14 March 2018, 19:56 by:
C h a n Score
Base +10, Gabygabycandid +6, Solaran +7
Posted on 16 March 2018, 01:01 by:
Jiltist Score
Base +8, Gabygabycandid +6, Solaran -7
Base +7, sp1ral -6, Gabygabycandid +6, coolik -6, kenabrxg -15, Solaran -7, tiagra +6
Base +6, Kreel +6, Solaran -7
Base +4, Kreel +6, Solaran -7
Posted on 17 April 2018, 00:02 by:
carter14 Score
Base +5, Solaran -7