Base +6, zerkeg325 +4, negixnodoka +5, BPExecutor +12, SuperGenericAnon +7, jfragrettel +8, spikeyend +6, LillySatou +6, kobatochandaisuki +8, TheSol +3, WhosThatGuy +6
Posted on 21 March 2018, 01:09 by:
7yoru Score
Base +7, AndrsJH +10, rockingoldensamurai +6, pepsisir +5, negixnodoka +5, Vorin 22 +6, Kitawa +7, MechWarriorNY +8, Shevanel +7, Jago Smith +8, IncognitoMaud +6, DDude8 +14, ML350 +9, and 20 more...
Base +9, shckwv +11, Silver_Kirin +6, Deathscythe008 +6, jfragrettel +8, luffyq1 +6, ShadowMKII +8, cokerpilot +8, WhosThatGuy +6, raptorshru +6
Base +5, rockingoldensamurai +6, negixnodoka +5, Kitawa +7, abrickhouse +5, Jago Smith +8, LRaglan +5, shckwv +11, DDude8 +14, Silver_Kirin +6, kobatochandaisuki +8, jfragrettel +8, WhosThatGuy +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 21 March 2018, 01:35 by:
Gultar Score
Base +6, Kitawa +7, Deathscythe008 +6, Silver_Kirin +6, jfragrettel +8, Imsolo +6, WhosThatGuy +6
Base +6, rockingoldensamurai +6, pepsisir +5, Kitawa +7, abrickhouse +5, Gannendorf +6, jfragrettel +8, luffyq1 +6, LillySatou +6, WhosThatGuy +6, totaljerklol +6, Fancy Face +6, cokerpilot +8, and 3 more...
Base +6, LaPusca +6, jfragrettel +8, Imsolo +6, raptorshru +6, xoril +7
Posted on 21 March 2018, 03:44 by:
CEDR777 Score
Base +11, Trips +9, MoonRock +6, jfragrettel +8
Posted on 21 March 2018, 04:44 by:
Hakrei Score
Base +26, abrickhouse +5, Shevanel +7, jfragrettel +8, cokerpilot +8, raptorshru +6
Base +5, jfragrettel +8, shckwv +11, Aelth +6, WhosThatGuy +6
Posted on 21 March 2018, 06:30 by:
zufield Score
Base +7, shckwv +11, jfragrettel +8, TheSol +3, Neodante15 +6, ShadowMKII +8, cokerpilot +8, Hyoros -15
Posted on 21 March 2018, 09:39 by:
M0M0E Score
Base +7, jfragrettel +8, LillySatou +6, Neodante15 +6
Last edited on 22 March 2018, 23:56.
Base +19, Mingosei +6, abrickhouse +5, randomperson1 +10, bagatir +8, Gannendorf +6, jfragrettel +8, luffyq1 -6, shckwv +11, ABDC +6, Imsolo -6, firecloud42 -6, WhosThatGuy +6, and 1 more...
Base +8, Mingosei +6, abrickhouse +5, PetersPark +9, jfragrettel +8, 2shiftee +4, MechWarriorNY +9, Trucidation +7
Posted on 21 March 2018, 13:48 by:
Noiaz Score
Base +6, jfragrettel +8, Riyin +7
Base +6, jfragrettel +8, luffyq1 +6, FlashyPants +1, deadarm +6
Posted on 23 March 2018, 19:21 by:
linkCS Score
Base +6, Deathscythe008 +6, jfragrettel +8, shckwv +11, Aelth +6, ShadowMKII +8, raptorshru +6, xoril +7, Trucidation +7
Base +4, PinguPrin +6, Neodante15 +6
Posted on 29 June 2018, 19:50 by:
QJD1381 Score
Base +6, hedgehogguy +6, Trucidation +7, kiwino +12
Posted on 07 September 2020, 02:42 by:
biogolf Score
Base +6, kiwino -12