I always assumed that the male to female ratio being severely skewed in favor of female Miqo'te was a lie and that in truth it was closer to 50% its just that male Miqo'te are a mostly feminized race probably with origins of when they were a slave race where only the girliest were allowed to live ... for obvious reasons
You know, I WANT to point out that the Nunh isn't necessarily a tribal leader; by word of FF14 lore, it only refers to a breeding male of the tribe. The Nunh CAN be the tribal leader, but they're not the same thing.
I WANT to point that out.
But then I realize that of the two tribes we actually see in-game, both of them treat the Nunh as the tribal leader.
Get your lore straight, lore team :/
Base +6, damnspams +6, smileyrat +6, MyOpinionIsRight +6