Since making all my content free, this one has gained a lot of attention. According to my computer it was made in 2014 for Manta & Lee fans (Lee is the pink haired girl, Manta is the dark blue). - Both of them are shapeshifters (there's a quick-fix to explain away the expansion!) and this was just me doing what I love best, a big sexy fight where violence is just another sexual act - with expansion in there because reasons.
There's a lot of out-dated methods used in this image set in comparison to how I do things today, but ultimately folks still seem to enjoy it.
God damn, the retail price was $25. It sold very well too, but I'm exhausted with selling works. Pricing things can stunt your creativity and give you a Vince MacMahon brain where you think less for yourself, and more estimating the wants of others. That's fine if it's a commission, but if it's something you're making for a store, some folks just can't grab the rudder consistantly, and I am one of those folks.
If you want all my content, over 400 comics and image sets, here is the link. But I wanr you, the sever has crashed due to "over-sharing" several times, so maybe download a little gingerly intead of trying to download all 60+gigs.!Aljb5SKpaTyxiEaU_f08DoTHFjQe
Additionally, commissions are taking over the bulk of my work, so if you're interested in commissions, or if you just wanna chuck me a dollar, feel free to visit my Patreon:
All the best, and thanks for checking out my stuff!