Another masterpiece by me. A profound reflection on the society and world which we live in. A social satire, if you will, the breasts represent the greed of man, and how we should stop killing the trees. This is a VERY political comic.
...I feel sorry for you if you think that paragraph was serious...
- Doc
There's a link on my Patreon to download all my shit. No, you don't have to pledge:
whats with the fucking monkey faces!? i mean I want to fap to this but the faces just put me off. I mean look on page 35! I KNOW YOU CAN DO CUTE FACES MAN.
Base +6, Rocshire +7, danund81 +6, palaceofyihasa -6
@Crociere There's a lot of camp humour in what I do, so my expressions have always been quite over the top, and to make matters worse I'm a big fan of ahegao and different versions of it, and page 35 is just an odd version of it communicating with the influx of power she's taken in.
@Volttekka same goes here, I'm not a realism artist, what... made you think I was?